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CSP auto detection not working in 1.3.0-beta 15 and Packaged Chrome App? #8162

lorthirk opened this issue Jul 12, 2014 · 11 comments


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I was playing with 1.3.0 in a Packaged Chrome App, and everything was working fine. Overwriting beta14 with beta15 gave me those errors, that went away when I added ng-csp to . Is this intended?:

Refused to evaluate a string as JavaScript because 'unsafe-eval' is not an allowed source of script in the following Content Security Policy directive: "default-src 'self' chrome-extension-resource:". Note that 'script-src' was not explicitly set, so 'default-src' is used as a fallback.`
Pc angular.min.js:97
Ub.readIdent angular.min.js:168
Ub.lex angular.min.js:164
Za.parse angular.min.js:170
(anonymous function) angular.min.js:99
compile angular.min.js:203
ba angular.min.js:59
S angular.min.js:49
S angular.min.js:49
S angular.min.js:49
S angular.min.js:49
V angular.min.js:47
(anonymous function) angular.min.js:18
h.$eval angular.min.js:113
h.$apply angular.min.js:114
(anonymous function) angular.min.js:18
e angular.min.js:36
d angular.min.js:18
gc angular.min.js:18
qd angular.min.js:17
(anonymous function) angular.min.js:223
a angular.min.js:147
(anonymous function) angular.min.js:32
q angular.min.js:7
Ne.c angular.min.js:32
EvalError: Refused to evaluate a string as JavaScript because 'unsafe-eval' is not an allowed source of script in the following Content Security Policy directive: "default-src 'self' chrome-extension-resource:".

    at Window.Function (native)
    at Pc (chrome-extension://jeecijlolcehjchhmbdccimkbhhibjdm/libs/angular.min.js:97:478)
    at Ub.readIdent (chrome-extension://jeecijlolcehjchhmbdccimkbhhibjdm/libs/angular.min.js:168:240)
    at Ub.lex (chrome-extension://jeecijlolcehjchhmbdccimkbhhibjdm/libs/angular.min.js:164:196)
    at Za.parse (chrome-extension://jeecijlolcehjchhmbdccimkbhhibjdm/libs/angular.min.js:170:201)
    at chrome-extension://jeecijlolcehjchhmbdccimkbhhibjdm/libs/angular.min.js:99:143
    at Object.compile (chrome-extension://jeecijlolcehjchhmbdccimkbhhibjdm/libs/angular.min.js:203:255)
    at ba (chrome-extension://jeecijlolcehjchhmbdccimkbhhibjdm/libs/angular.min.js:59:3)
    at S (chrome-extension://jeecijlolcehjchhmbdccimkbhhibjdm/libs/angular.min.js:49:26)
    at S (chrome-extension://jeecijlolcehjchhmbdccimkbhhibjdm/libs/angular.min.js:49:148) <button ng-click="doFirmwareCheck()"> angular.min.js:95
(anonymous function) angular.min.js:95
(anonymous function) angular.min.js:70
ba angular.min.js:59
S angular.min.js:49
S angular.min.js:49
S angular.min.js:49
S angular.min.js:49
V angular.min.js:47
(anonymous function) angular.min.js:18
h.$eval angular.min.js:113
h.$apply angular.min.js:114
(anonymous function) angular.min.js:18
e angular.min.js:36
d angular.min.js:18
gc angular.min.js:18
qd angular.min.js:17
(anonymous function) angular.min.js:223
a angular.min.js:147
(anonymous function) angular.min.js:32
q angular.min.js:7
Ne.c angular.min.js:32
Refused to evaluate a string as JavaScript because 'unsafe-eval' is not an allowed source of script in the following Content Security Policy directive: "default-src 'self' chrome-extension-resource:". Note that 'script-src' was not explicitly set, so 'default-src' is used as a fallback.
Pc angular.min.js:97
Ub.readIdent angular.min.js:168
Ub.lex angular.min.js:164
Za.parse angular.min.js:170
(anonymous function) angular.min.js:99
g angular.min.js:81
u angular.min.js:63
D angular.min.js:51
S angular.min.js:48
S angular.min.js:49
S angular.min.js:49
S angular.min.js:49
S angular.min.js:49
S angular.min.js:49
V angular.min.js:47
(anonymous function) angular.min.js:18
h.$eval angular.min.js:113
h.$apply angular.min.js:114
(anonymous function) angular.min.js:18
e angular.min.js:36
d angular.min.js:18
gc angular.min.js:18
qd angular.min.js:17
(anonymous function) angular.min.js:223
a angular.min.js:147
(anonymous function) angular.min.js:32
q angular.min.js:7
Ne.c angular.min.js:32
EvalError: Refused to evaluate a string as JavaScript because 'unsafe-eval' is not an allowed source of script in the following Content Security Policy directive: "default-src 'self' chrome-extension-resource:".

    at Window.Function (native)
    at Pc (chrome-extension://jeecijlolcehjchhmbdccimkbhhibjdm/libs/angular.min.js:97:478)
    at Ub.readIdent (chrome-extension://jeecijlolcehjchhmbdccimkbhhibjdm/libs/angular.min.js:168:240)
    at Ub.lex (chrome-extension://jeecijlolcehjchhmbdccimkbhhibjdm/libs/angular.min.js:164:196)
    at Za.parse (chrome-extension://jeecijlolcehjchhmbdccimkbhhibjdm/libs/angular.min.js:170:201)
    at chrome-extension://jeecijlolcehjchhmbdccimkbhhibjdm/libs/angular.min.js:99:143
    at g (chrome-extension://jeecijlolcehjchhmbdccimkbhhibjdm/libs/angular.min.js:81:230)
    at u (chrome-extension://jeecijlolcehjchhmbdccimkbhhibjdm/libs/angular.min.js:63:242)
    at D (chrome-extension://jeecijlolcehjchhmbdccimkbhhibjdm/libs/angular.min.js:51:27)
    at S (chrome-extension://jeecijlolcehjchhmbdccimkbhhibjdm/libs/angular.min.js:48:491) angular.min.js:95
(anonymous function) angular.min.js:95
(anonymous function) angular.min.js:70
h.$apply angular.min.js:114
(anonymous function) angular.min.js:18
e angular.min.js:36
d angular.min.js:18
gc angular.min.js:18
qd angular.min.js:17
(anonymous function) angular.min.js:223
a angular.min.js:147
(anonymous function) angular.min.js:32
q angular.min.js:7
Ne.c angular.min.js:32
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caitp commented Jul 12, 2014

The minified stacktrace isn't spectacularly useful here, but there have been known problems with csp autodetection for a while now. I would be surprised if the root cause of the problem is actually the version of angular (since there's nothing in beta 15 which should break CSP), but more likely the version of chrome/android webview being tested against.

As a workaround, don't depend on csp autodetection, use the ng-csp directive instead.

There are similar issues to this which have been opened over the past few months, and the fact is, CSP is sort of an emerging standard, vendors are still sorting out how it should work, and changes are happening.

Certain code-paths are chosen in angular based on whether we think we need to make CSP happy, so the suggestion is to not depend on autodetection, and just "force" CSP mode for packaged apps instead.

Note, this is my own personal opinion, and isn't necessarily party-line. I think it will do what you need it to do, for the most part, though.

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Of course I can (and will) force CSP from now, I think that I can spare
those 6 characters :) I just wanted to raise the flag in case something
unintended slipped in. However, I can assure that the version of Chrome I
was testing about is absolutely the same; all I did was upgrade Angular and
restart my app. If needed I can provide the non-minified stack trace of

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caitp commented Jul 12, 2014

That would be helpful, but yes, there have been issues with auto-detection of CSP for quite some time now, especially with more recent versions of Chrome. There have been some changes to $parse lately, so it's possible that one of those getter paths that was removed was avoiding the unsafe path which is taken when csp isn't detected --- but that would mean CSP mode was broken before anyways, and you just happened to be getting lucky and taking a "safe" path.

This is entirely possible, and perhaps likely. We might need to revert 5f6b378 or find a better way around that instead.

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Here is the uncompressed stack trace. Chrome version is 35.0.1916.153 m (stable channel).

Refused to evaluate a string as JavaScript because 'unsafe-eval' is not an allowed source of script in the following Content Security Policy directive: "default-src 'self' chrome-extension-resource:". Note that 'script-src' was not explicitly set, so 'default-src' is used as a fallback.
getterFn angular.js:11195
Lexer.readIdent angular.js:10583
Lexer.lex angular.js:10426
Parser.parse angular.js:10674
(anonymous function) angular.js:11292
compile angular.js:20294
applyDirectivesToNode angular.js:6580
compileNodes angular.js:6141
compileNodes angular.js:6153
compileNodes angular.js:6153
compileNodes angular.js:6153
compile angular.js:6081
(anonymous function) angular.js:1505
Scope.$eval angular.js:12769
Scope.$apply angular.js:12867
(anonymous function) angular.js:1503
invoke angular.js:4062
doBootstrap angular.js:1501
bootstrap angular.js:1515
angularInit angular.js:1427
(anonymous function) angular.js:23152
trigger angular.js:2656
(anonymous function) angular.js:2929
forEach angular.js:327
eventHandler angular.js:2928
EvalError: Refused to evaluate a string as JavaScript because 'unsafe-eval' is not an allowed source of script in the following Content Security Policy directive: "default-src 'self' chrome-extension-resource:".

    at Window.Function (native)
    at getterFn (chrome-extension://jeecijlolcehjchhmbdccimkbhhibjdm/libs/angular.js:11195:34)
    at Lexer.readIdent (chrome-extension://jeecijlolcehjchhmbdccimkbhhibjdm/libs/angular.js:10583:30)
    at Lexer.lex (chrome-extension://jeecijlolcehjchhmbdccimkbhhibjdm/libs/angular.js:10426:26)
    at Parser.parse (chrome-extension://jeecijlolcehjchhmbdccimkbhhibjdm/libs/angular.js:10674:38)
    at chrome-extension://jeecijlolcehjchhmbdccimkbhhibjdm/libs/angular.js:11292:51
    at Object.compile (chrome-extension://jeecijlolcehjchhmbdccimkbhhibjdm/libs/angular.js:20294:34)
    at applyDirectivesToNode (chrome-extension://jeecijlolcehjchhmbdccimkbhhibjdm/libs/angular.js:6580:52)
    at compileNodes (chrome-extension://jeecijlolcehjchhmbdccimkbhhibjdm/libs/angular.js:6141:31)
    at compileNodes (chrome-extension://jeecijlolcehjchhmbdccimkbhhibjdm/libs/angular.js:6153:31) <button ng-click="doFirmwareCheck()"> angular.js:10264
(anonymous function) angular.js:10264
(anonymous function) angular.js:7506
applyDirectivesToNode angular.js:6587
compileNodes angular.js:6141
compileNodes angular.js:6153
compileNodes angular.js:6153
compileNodes angular.js:6153
compile angular.js:6081
(anonymous function) angular.js:1505
Scope.$eval angular.js:12769
Scope.$apply angular.js:12867
(anonymous function) angular.js:1503
invoke angular.js:4062
doBootstrap angular.js:1501
bootstrap angular.js:1515
angularInit angular.js:1427
(anonymous function) angular.js:23152
trigger angular.js:2656
(anonymous function) angular.js:2929
forEach angular.js:327
eventHandler angular.js:2928
Refused to evaluate a string as JavaScript because 'unsafe-eval' is not an allowed source of script in the following Content Security Policy directive: "default-src 'self' chrome-extension-resource:". Note that 'script-src' was not explicitly set, so 'default-src' is used as a fallback.
getterFn angular.js:11195
Lexer.readIdent angular.js:10583
Lexer.lex angular.js:10426
Parser.parse angular.js:10674
(anonymous function) angular.js:11292
$interpolate angular.js:8923
addTextInterpolateDirective angular.js:7071
collectDirectives angular.js:6307
compileNodes angular.js:6137
compileNodes angular.js:6153
compileNodes angular.js:6153
compileNodes angular.js:6153
compileNodes angular.js:6153
compileNodes angular.js:6153
compile angular.js:6081
(anonymous function) angular.js:1505
Scope.$eval angular.js:12769
Scope.$apply angular.js:12867
(anonymous function) angular.js:1503
invoke angular.js:4062
doBootstrap angular.js:1501
bootstrap angular.js:1515
angularInit angular.js:1427
(anonymous function) angular.js:23152
trigger angular.js:2656
(anonymous function) angular.js:2929
forEach angular.js:327
eventHandler angular.js:2928
EvalError: Refused to evaluate a string as JavaScript because 'unsafe-eval' is not an allowed source of script in the following Content Security Policy directive: "default-src 'self' chrome-extension-resource:".

    at Window.Function (native)
    at getterFn (chrome-extension://jeecijlolcehjchhmbdccimkbhhibjdm/libs/angular.js:11195:34)
    at Lexer.readIdent (chrome-extension://jeecijlolcehjchhmbdccimkbhhibjdm/libs/angular.js:10583:30)
    at Lexer.lex (chrome-extension://jeecijlolcehjchhmbdccimkbhhibjdm/libs/angular.js:10426:26)
    at Parser.parse (chrome-extension://jeecijlolcehjchhmbdccimkbhhibjdm/libs/angular.js:10674:38)
    at chrome-extension://jeecijlolcehjchhmbdccimkbhhibjdm/libs/angular.js:11292:51
    at $interpolate (chrome-extension://jeecijlolcehjchhmbdccimkbhhibjdm/libs/angular.js:8923:39)
    at addTextInterpolateDirective (chrome-extension://jeecijlolcehjchhmbdccimkbhhibjdm/libs/angular.js:7071:41)
    at collectDirectives (chrome-extension://jeecijlolcehjchhmbdccimkbhhibjdm/libs/angular.js:6307:29)
    at compileNodes (chrome-extension://jeecijlolcehjchhmbdccimkbhhibjdm/libs/angular.js:6137:38) angular.js:10264
(anonymous function) angular.js:10264
(anonymous function) angular.js:7506
Scope.$apply angular.js:12869
(anonymous function) angular.js:1503
invoke angular.js:4062
doBootstrap angular.js:1501
bootstrap angular.js:1515
angularInit angular.js:1427
(anonymous function) angular.js:23152
trigger angular.js:2656
(anonymous function) angular.js:2929
forEach angular.js:327
eventHandler angular.js:2928

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caitp commented Jul 12, 2014

Yeah, so that would be the fault of 5f6b378. Note, you'd still have problems in beta 14 (because CSP detection has been broken in chrome for ages), depending on the expression being evaluated, but in beta 14, we "happened" to have a fast path when a small number of keys was used, which didn't rely on creating a new Function object.

/CC @rodyhaddad

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Ok, thanks. As said I will be forcing CSP anyway.

@caitp caitp added this to the 1.3.0 milestone Jul 12, 2014
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@caitp CSP detection is broken in chrome? Has this been reported? 😕

Hm, a bit of googling doesn't show document.securityPolicy as not working in chrome

/CC @IgorMinar

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caitp commented Jul 12, 2014

@rodyhaddad what I mean is that our way of detecting CSP has not worked for Chrome for quite a few versions (of chrome) now (there have been quite a few issues reported about this on angular).

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Our way of detecting CSP uses api specifically requested by us. I'm not aware of the CSP spec changing in any way that would brake this. We need to investigate this.

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caitp commented Jul 12, 2014

Both #7391, and #6707 have had issues with auto-detection of CSP mode in modern Chrome browsers, I recall there have been others too. I did some research into this a few months ago and it seemed at the time like our use of the API has been broken for a while now. But just using ng-csp as a workaround has been a good enough work around that it hasn't bothered most people I guess.

@IgorMinar IgorMinar self-assigned this Jul 14, 2014
IgorMinar added a commit to IgorMinar/angular.js that referenced this issue Jul 14, 2014
CSP spec got changed and it is no longer possible to autodetect if a policy is
active without triggering a CSP error:


Now we use `new Function('')` to detect if CSP is on. To prevent error from this
detection to show up in console developers have to use the ngCsp directive.

(This problem became more severe after our recent removal of `simpleGetterFn`
 which made us depend on function constructor for all expressions.)

Closes angular#8162
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I created a PR with a fix for this: #8191

IgorMinar added a commit to IgorMinar/angular.js that referenced this issue Jul 14, 2014
CSP spec got changed and it is no longer possible to autodetect if a policy is
active without triggering a CSP error:


Now we use `new Function('')` to detect if CSP is on. To prevent error from this
detection to show up in console developers have to use the ngCsp directive.

(This problem became more severe after our recent removal of `simpleGetterFn`
 which made us depend on function constructor for all expressions.)

Closes angular#8162
Closes angular#8191
IgorMinar added a commit to IgorMinar/angular.js that referenced this issue Jul 14, 2014
CSP spec got changed and it is no longer possible to autodetect if a policy is
active without triggering a CSP error:


Now we use `new Function('')` to detect if CSP is on. To prevent error from this
detection to show up in console developers have to use the ngCsp directive.

(This problem became more severe after our recent removal of `simpleGetterFn`
 which made us depend on function constructor for all expressions.)

Closes angular#8162
Closes angular#8191
IgorMinar added a commit to IgorMinar/angular.js that referenced this issue Jul 14, 2014
CSP spec got changed and it is no longer possible to autodetect if a policy is
active without triggering a CSP error:


Now we use `new Function('')` to detect if CSP is on. To prevent error from this
detection to show up in console developers have to use the ngCsp directive.

(This problem became more severe after our recent removal of `simpleGetterFn`
 which made us depend on function constructor for all expressions.)

Closes angular#8162
Closes angular#8191
IgorMinar added a commit that referenced this issue Jul 15, 2014
CSP spec got changed and it is no longer possible to autodetect if a policy is
active without triggering a CSP error:


Now we use `new Function('')` to detect if CSP is on. To prevent error from this
detection to show up in console developers have to use the ngCsp directive.

(This problem became more severe after our recent removal of `simpleGetterFn`
 which made us depend on function constructor for all expressions.)

Closes #8162
Closes #8191
ckknight pushed a commit to ckknight/angular.js that referenced this issue Jul 16, 2014
CSP spec got changed and it is no longer possible to autodetect if a policy is
active without triggering a CSP error:


Now we use `new Function('')` to detect if CSP is on. To prevent error from this
detection to show up in console developers have to use the ngCsp directive.

(This problem became more severe after our recent removal of `simpleGetterFn`
 which made us depend on function constructor for all expressions.)

Closes angular#8162
Closes angular#8191
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