AppCoda: Getting Started with Swift: A Brief Intro to the New Programming Language
RW: Swift Language Highlights: An Objective-C Developer’s Perspective
iOS-Blog: Developing iOS8 Apps Using Swift – Part 2 – Connect to the iTunes Search API
iOS-Blog: Developing iOS8 Apps Using Swift – Part 3 – Best Practices
- MakeSchool: Build a Photo Sharing App During this tutorial you will build a photo sharing app that is similar to the popular app Instagram. After finishing the Make School Notes tutorial you should have a good understanding of the basics of iOS development. In this tutorial we will touch many advanced iOS development topics including how to use Firebase to build a backend for your app. Here are the most important things you will learn: How to implement an email signup and login flow using Firebase Auth How to structure and store data using Firebase Realtime Database How to capture photos and upload them with Firebase Storage How to query and retrieve data from Firebase How to architect a complex iOS app How to use libraries built by other developers to speed up development
Closed, now open source at http://parseplatform.org/
- Parse alternatives
- AppCoda: How To Migrate from Parse to Self-hosted MongoDB
- AppCoda: Parse Migration: How to Setup and Deploy Parse Server on Heroku or AWS
AppCoda: Using Vision Framework for Text Detection in iOS 11