- dash-cytoscape
- node-editors (remarks only)
- proto-dmms (place for the upcoming initial dmm-related sketches)
- pyglet
- trio-websocket
- vispy (including GLSL shaders and @party materials)
- with-javascript-clients (trying to work with mix of JavaScript clients, Python servers, and websockets)
- "From Python to Numpy" by Nicolas Rougier (book, code)
- "Python & OpenGL for Scientific Visualization" by Nicolas Rougier (book, code)
- "IPython Cookbook, Second Edition (2018)" by Cyrille Rossant (book, code)
- "Elegant SciPy" by Juan Nunez-Iglesias, Stéfan van der Walt, and Harriet Dashnow (github version, Chapter 3)
- Scipy Lecture Notes
- Dash by Plotly: user guide, code
- Dash Cytoscape: user guide, code