Materials related to my virtual poster at JuliaCon 2021:
Poster video (3 min):
All JuliaCon 2021 posters:
I obtained images like
via matrix multiplication.
My poster proposal for JuliaCon 2021
has been accepted. A 3 minute cover video for this virtual poster and the slide deck associated with this video can be found in the slides-and-video
The links to our current efforts in this direction can be found here:
Slides 1-4 of the slide deck correspond to
Slide 5 of the slide deck corresponds to variations-4
notebook here (more specifically,
it corresponds to the last computation of the directed acycled dataflow graph of
image transformations in this notebook which composes
matrix multiplications with other image transformations):
The machine learning part of the slide deck corresponds to may-23-switch-to-adam.ipynb
notebook here:
A number of auxiliary studies (scale invariance, modifications of softmax
formulas, and such) are
referenced in the README here:
A "signed normalization" experiment (conducted on July 7) sheds partial light onto the mechanism of the effect produced by softmax normalization of the rows of the left matrix and the columns of right matrix.
See signed-normalization
subdirectory; the "signed normalization" experiment is joint work with github user nekel
An open problem in the ML Collective "Request for Plot" style:
It would be very interesting to try modifying formula 1 on page 4 of the famous "Attention Is All You Need" paper introducing the Transformer architecture: by also applying softmax normalization to the columns of the right-hand-side matrix, V, but one needs to be able to train some Transformers from scratch in the first place to try that.
Then one could investigate whether this change would be an improvement.
See the RFP-draft
subdirectory for this "Request for Plot":
is softmax cross-normalization of values fruitful in Transformers?
Fresh minimalistic Julia Jupyter notebook working under Julia 1.6.3 with all packages updated on Oct 23, 2021:
see the subdirectory made for Stuttgart-Julia-meetup
presentation on Oct 23.
I might keep adding subdirectories to this repository with additional material.