# install dependencies
npm install
# run project
nodemon app
# Configuration
Change the constants in .env file (your database, host, port...)
Happy coding 😍😍😍
- Create User, Reset Password.
- Add/Update/Delete Products, Users, Carts, Whislist, Order.
- Fetch Products, Carts, Orders...
- Products url query (http://localhost:3001/api/v1/products?limit=2&page=1)
- Send email to user.
- Push notification to user's devices.
- Payment.
- Upload and resize photo.
- Nodejs, Express.
- Mongodb, Mongoose.
- Nodemailer.
- Multer, Sharp.
- Hapi/joi validation.
- Expo notification.
- Stripe Payment.
If you'd like to contribute, please fork the repository and make changes as you'd like. Pull requests are warmly welcome. Thanks alot