Partioprint gem adds partial path as a HTML comment whenever a partial is rendered from the ERBs. The purpose of this gem is to ease the front-end web development effort when using lots of partials, if anything is broken in your page, you can quickly inspect it and can figure out which partial to look for, instead going through your logs to determine the target partial or by searching in your editor.
... ...Implemented upon idea by Arnab Chakraborty (@arnabc on Twitter)
gem install partioprint
Note: This gem might cause your webpage to render in quirks mode if you have a different partial to render DOCTYPEs.
"Looks cool. We have something similar internally at 37signals. Good to see it released." - @dhh
"It looks cool, will definitely use it for one of my client projects" - @technoweenie
"Just stumbled upon Rails plugin partioprint. Incredibly valuable 20 LOC. Gonna add it to all projects" - @codecuisine - Highlighted in Rails Envy Podcast - Highlighted in Mike Gunderloy's A Fresh Cup
Anil Wadghule :: :: ::