A Demo of a Strapi app connected to a React Front-end using GraphQL.
(This only needs to be done once on initial set-up)
- Install lerna globally. Lerna allows us to managing multi-package repositories with git and npm.
npm install --global lerna
Copy the .env.example files in each folder into their own .env files
Install Postgresql and PgAdmin locally. This is the chosen Database management system and will be used instead of the default file system that sits within Strapi to allow local development.
- Create a new table in Postgres called
and update the .env with your username and password
- Install the global dependencies by running:
lerna bootstrap
- To start the development environment run:
yarn develop
This will spin up the Strapi environment and the Frontend React repositary.
- For a production build and start run:
yarn build
&& yarn start