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Project Folder Descriptions

ishankjain1407 edited this page Mar 26, 2023 · 9 revisions

Here is a description of the folders in PortfolioManagement.

-Analysis Tool Files - This folder contains all the .csv files required to run the analysis tool on Google Colab.

-Database- This folder contains all the necessary .sql files required for the database and ER diagrams.

-PortfolioManager- This is the main app that is responsible for running the website. It contains files like and which handle the website.

-PortfolioManagerHome- This is an app which handles the base, index, and about pages of the website.

-**users **- This is an app (like PortfolioManagerHome) which handles the registration pages of the website.

-PortfolioManagement.ipynb - This is the analysis tool Google Colab notebook. - This python files helps in running the commands.

-requirements.txt - This is the file which is required to install dependencies of the project.

OTHERS folder

-Analysis Graphs(others) - This folder contains graphs related to NASDAQ analysis

-Diagrams(others) - This folder contains the UML class diagram and component diagram. - This file contains the python codes to evaluate analysis parameters and has a connection to the database - This python file was used to generate models.

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