Example of awesome CLI app template for xonsh. Just fork it and add your commands.
If you like the idea of bar theme click ⭐ on the repo and tweet.
- CLI: based on power and sugar from click.
- Execution: pip-installable as well as clone-and-run.
- Ability to grow your library.
- Ability to set up context and environment.
- Ability to set up context options and command arguments.
- Ability to use environment variables as replacement of options and arguments.
- Logging
- Tests: local, docker.
pip install git+https://github.com/anki-code/xonsh-awesome-cli-app
git clone https://github.com/anki-code/xonsh-awesome-cli-app
cd xonsh-awesome-cli-app
You can use this app as a template to your own apps.
# Usage: mycli [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
# CLI management.
# Options:
# --name TEXT Context option: name.
# --debug Context option: debug mode.
# --help Show this message and exit.
# Commands:
# say Say.
# context Show app context.
mycli hello --help
# Usage: mycli hello [OPTIONS]
# Say hello.
# Options:
# --wait Command argument: wait before print.
# --help Show this message and exit.
mycli say hello
# Username say: hello
mycli say hello --wait
# Wait...
# Username say: hello
mycli --name Mike say hello --wait
# Wait...
# Mike say: hello
$MYCLI_NAME = 'Alex'
mycli say hello
# Alex say: hello
mycli context
# Environment:
# {'MYCLI_NAME': 'Alex'}
# Context:
# {'debug': False, 'log': <RootLogger root (INFO)>, 'name': 'Alex'}
mycli --debug say hello
# TRACE SUBPROC: (['echo', 'Username', 'say:', 'hello'],), captured=hiddenobject
# Username say: hello
# 2024-03-01 18:21:24,723 - root - INFO - Additional log message.
# TRACE SUBPROC: (['echo', 'Here', 'is', 'debug', 'message', 'too', ''],), captured=hiddenobject
# Here is debug message too
If you need subcommands (subgroups) e.g.:
mycli env activate --name myname
mycli env deactivate
mycli info --full
use this example:
import click
@click.group() # Create main group in `click`
def cli():
@cli.group() # Create subgroup `env` in `cli`
def env():
@env.command() # Create subcommand `activate` in `env`
def activate(name):
click.echo(f"Activating environment: {name}")
You can use pytest
for test cli:
pytest tests/
# tests/test_app.xsh passed
In some sort situations you need to use current env python to run tests:
@(sys.executable) -m pytest -v
import sys
py = sys.executable
def test_help():
@(py) -m xonsh ./mycli --help
- xonsh-cheatsheet - Cheat sheet for xonsh shell with copy-pastable examples.
- rc-awesome - Awesome snippets of code for xonshrc in xonsh shell.
- macro - Library of the useful macro for the xonsh shell.
- docker-xonsh-wrapper - Wrap an app in docker container and catch the signals from docker using xonsh shell.
- xunter - Profiling the xonsh shell code using hunter.
- Xxh Development Environment (xde)