"userID": [userID Name],
- Make a POST request through ""
Make sure Content-Type is application/json.
Make sure 'userID' and 'password' fields is not blank.
Note that userID and passwords are case sensitive.
- If userID and password are valid, you will receive a token. Token will expire when user logs out.
*If you are scrapy, you will receive 60 seconds to upload your data. Once the token is expired you will have to go through login process again.
- You may now use a token as Header to make GET and POST requests throughout the server
Your Headers should contain "Content-Type" as "application/json" and "Authorization" as "Bearer Token"
*To see all the web posts:
GET '/api/all'
*To see web posts of different category
GET '/api/:category'
*To see web posts of different category on specific date (YYYYMMDD)
GET '/api/:category/:date'
*To download all web posts in CSV file
GET '/api/download'
*To upload webpost of category
POST '/api/save/:category'
- If you are scrapy and want to upload data, use following JSON schema:
var dataAttributes = new Schema({
scrapyName : String,
postTitle : String,
postUpvote : Number,
postLink : String,
commentLink : String,
rankingPosition : String
All the attibutes must be included in JSON format as the server checks for the json validation
If you are uploading one web post at a time, make sure to send following JSON before AND after transmission:
```javascript { "start": true, "scrapyName": [name] } ```After:
```javascript { "end": true, "scrapyName": [name] } ```If you are uploading data in array, you do not need to send before and after
```javascript [ { "scrapyName" : [Name], "postTitle" : [Title], "postUpvote" : [Upvote], "postLink" : [linkaddress], "commentLink" : [linkaddress], "rankingPosition" : [Ranking] }, { "scrapyName" : [Name], "postTitle" : [Title], "postUpvote" : [Upvote], "postLink" : [linkaddress], "commentLink" : [linkaddress], "rankingPosition" : [Ranking] } ]
<p>When a scrapy performing POST request, other scrapys cannot interfere with POST operation. Please make sure your scrapy is timed.</p>
## To Do List
<li>Pipeline/stream Data intake</li>
<li>Jasmine Test Module</li>
<li>Uploading Error Messages for multiple scrapy</li>
<li>Implement paginate search functionality</li>
## History
<li>csv checking mechanism is required (Dec 6)</li>
<li>number of webposts GET request(Dec 15)</li>
<li>modified mongodb address(Dec 20)</li>
<li>Login Page(Dec 23)</li>
<li>JWT functionality(Dec 23)</li>
<li>Asynch duplication check(Dec 24)</li>
<li>Add update API (Dec 24)</li>
<li>Modification of WebPost save interface(Can now take single JSON or Array JSON (Dec 25)</li>