The objective of this project is the implementation of an endpoint that returns the rates available for a shipment using a FedEx web service.
For the implementation I used Ruby on Rails configured only as an API.
The API consists of the following endpoints:
- GET /rates
- Ruby 3.1.3
- Bundler 2.4.8
$ git clone
$ bundle install
$ rails rspec
$ rails rubocop
$ rails server
If you are testing in the local environment the base url for the endpoints is http://localhost:3000/api/v1.
curl --location --request GET 'http://localhost:3000/api/v1/rates' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"credentials": {
"key": "your_key",
"password": "your_password",
"account_number": "your_account_number",
"meter_number": "your_meter_number"
"quote_params": {
"address_from": {
"zip": "64000",
"country": "mx"
"address_to": {
"zip": "64000",
"country": "mx"
"parcel": {
"length": 25.0,
"width": 28.0,
"height": 46.0,
"distance_unit": "cm",
"weight": 6.5,
"mass_unit": "kg"
These are the gems that I added to the project:
- rspec-rails
- rubocop
- rubocop-performance
- rubocop-rails
- rubocop-rake
- rubocop-rspec
- fedex-ws
Where to start? Look at the file app/controllers/api/v1/rates_controller.rb.
Don't forget to look at the tests in the spec folder.