Screenshot utility that mimics the usability of ShareX.
When invoked, scre takes a screenshot, optionally processes it, uploads it to a server, then copies the URL to the clipboard.
- GNU Bash
- GNU coreutils
- maim
- (By default) xdotool
- xclip
- OpenSSH or another provider of
- alsa-utils
- Clone the repo.
- Configure scre by editing the file options.
- Symlink scre to a location in your
. - Bind to PrtScn or similar.
# Settings
# The path to store the screenshots locally.
# The server that the images will be scp'd to.
# The path on the server to put the images.
# Retrieve the name of the current active program.
program=$(xprop -id $(xdotool getactivewindow) | grep _NET_WM_NAME | cut -d'"' -f2|cut -d \n -f2)
# Format the date in your desired format.
date=$(date +'%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S')
# The final filename that will be stored/copied.
# The prefix to the URLs that the images will have when uploaded.
# The sound played after a successful upload.