View the deployed application here GitHub Clone
A "clone" of the GitHub newsfeed and personal profile page.
Uses the GitHub OmniAuth authentication library to authenticate users through GitHub OAuth 2.0.
Consumes GitHub's REST API version 3 to display the user's account information, including:
- profile picture
- location
- repositories
- starred repositories
- followers and following
- a summary feed of their recent activity and commits.
- a summary feed of recent activity of users they are following
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.
- Rails 5+
- Ruby 2.4 +
- Postgresql
Clone down the application and bundle:
git clone
start rails server
rails s
visit localhost:3000 in your browser
To run the tests:
Tests include model and feature specs.
- faraday - HTTP client library used to make requests to the GitHub Api
I encourage pull requests with contributions and suggestions.
See the original project spec here: Api Curious