This is Mixed Reality Toolkit (MRTK) extension for Magic Leap.
- Unity 2019.2.x or higher
- Magic Leap One
- Magic Leap Unity Package 0.23.0
> git clone --recursive
> cd MRTKExtensionForMagicLeap
> External\createSymlink.bat
Open MRTKExtensionForMagicLeap project with Unity 2019.2.x or higher
Create project with Unity 2019.2.x or higher
Download and import MRTK v2 unitypackages.
Download and import the latest MRTKExtensionForMagicLeap unitypackage.
Import MagicLeap.unitypackage, which you can download with Magic Leap PackageManager.
Setup Unity project according to the following documentations.
- Open "Edit" > "Preferences" > "External Tools" and specify Lumin SDK version folder.
- Import the XR Management Package
- Specify Magic Leap Loader in "Project Settings" > "XR Plugin Management"
- Change Api Compatibility Level to .NET 4.x.
Open "Edit" > "Project Settings" > "XR Plugin Management" > "Magic Leap Settings" and check "Fore Multipass".
Check the following capabilities.
- ControllerPose
- GesturesConfig
- GesturesSubscribe
- LowLatencyLightwear
The example scenes are under MixedRealityToolkit.ThirdParty/MagicLeapInput/Scenes
Canvas UI does not work well.
Furuta, Yusuke (@tarukosu)