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Support extract-module-statements attribute in juvix code blocks (#…
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This PR adds support for the `extract-module-statements` attribute for
Juvix code blocks:

So if you write something like the following block in a Juvix markdown

```juvix extract-module-statements
module Foo;
   type T := t;

The statement `type T := t;` from the body of the module is rendered in
the output. The `module Foo;` , and `end;` lines are not rendered in the

A block with the `extract-module-statements` must contain a single local
module statement and nothing else. An error is reported if this is not
the case.

The `extract-module-statements` attribute also takes an optional
argument. It sets the number of statements from the module body to drop
from the output.

In the following example, the output will contain the single line `a : T
:= t;`.

```juvix extract-module-statements 1
module Foo;
   type T := t;
   a : T  := t;


Co-authored-by: Jan Mas Rovira <>
  • Loading branch information
paulcadman and janmasrovira authored Apr 18, 2024
1 parent 75b5228 commit 52a3eed
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Showing 13 changed files with 339 additions and 123 deletions.
66 changes: 66 additions & 0 deletions src/Juvix/Compiler/Backend/Markdown/Data/MkJuvixBlockOptions.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
module Juvix.Compiler.Backend.Markdown.Data.MkJuvixBlockOptions where

import Juvix.Parser.Error.Base
import Juvix.Prelude.Base
import Juvix.Prelude.Parsing hiding (runParser)
import Juvix.Prelude.Path
import Text.Megaparsec qualified as P
import Text.Megaparsec.Char.Lexer qualified as L

data MkJuvixBlockOptions
= MkJuvixBlockOptionsHide
| MkJuvixBlockOptionsShow
| MkJuvixBlockOptionsExtractModule JuvixBlockOptionsExtractModule
deriving stock (Eq, Show)

newtype JuvixBlockOptionsExtractModule = JuvixBlockOptionsExtractModule
{ _juvixBlockOptionsExtractModuleDrop :: Int
deriving stock (Eq, Show)

makeLenses ''JuvixBlockOptionsExtractModule

optionExtractModuleStatements :: (IsString s) => s
optionExtractModuleStatements = "extract-module-statements"

optionHide :: (IsString s) => s
optionHide = "hide"

parseJuvixBlockOptions :: Path Abs File -> Text -> Either MegaparsecError MkJuvixBlockOptions
parseJuvixBlockOptions p = mapLeft MegaparsecError . P.runParser parseOptions (toFilePath p)

type Parser = P.Parsec Void Text

spaceConsumer :: Parser ()
spaceConsumer = space1 empty empty

lexeme :: Parser a -> Parser a
lexeme = L.lexeme spaceConsumer

symbol :: Text -> Parser ()
symbol = void . L.symbol spaceConsumer

decimal :: Parser Int
decimal = lexeme L.decimal

parseOptions :: Parser MkJuvixBlockOptions
parseOptions = do
opts <-
<|> parseExtractModule
<|> parseShow
return opts

parseShow :: Parser MkJuvixBlockOptions
parseShow = return MkJuvixBlockOptionsShow

parseHide :: Parser MkJuvixBlockOptions
parseHide = symbol optionHide $> MkJuvixBlockOptionsHide

parseExtractModule :: Parser MkJuvixBlockOptions
parseExtractModule = do
symbol optionExtractModuleStatements
dropNum <- fromMaybe 0 <$> optional decimal
return (MkJuvixBlockOptionsExtractModule (JuvixBlockOptionsExtractModule dropNum))
59 changes: 12 additions & 47 deletions src/Juvix/Compiler/Backend/Markdown/Data/Types.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,20 +1,20 @@
module Juvix.Compiler.Backend.Markdown.Data.Types where
module Juvix.Compiler.Backend.Markdown.Data.Types
( module Juvix.Compiler.Backend.Markdown.Data.Types,
module Juvix.Compiler.Backend.Markdown.Data.MkJuvixBlockOptions,

import Commonmark qualified as MK
import Data.Text qualified as T
import Juvix.Compiler.Backend.Markdown.Data.MkJuvixBlockOptions
import Juvix.Data.Loc
import Juvix.Prelude hiding (Raw)
import Juvix.Prelude.Pretty
import Text.Show qualified as Show

newtype MkJuvixBlockOptions = MkJuvixBlockOptions
{ _mkJuvixBlockOptionsHide :: Bool
deriving stock (Eq, Ord)

data JuvixCodeBlock = JuvixCodeBlock
{ _juvixCodeBlock :: Text,
_juvixCodeBlockOptions :: MkJuvixBlockOptions,
_juvixCodeBlockOptions :: Text,
_juvixCodeBlockInterval :: Maybe Interval
deriving stock (Eq, Ord)
Expand All @@ -26,33 +26,16 @@ data TextBlock = TextBlock
deriving stock (Eq, Ord)

makeLenses ''JuvixCodeBlock
makeLenses ''MkJuvixBlockOptions
makeLenses ''TextBlock

defaultMkJuvixBlockOptions :: MkJuvixBlockOptions
defaultMkJuvixBlockOptions =
{ _mkJuvixBlockOptionsHide = False

instance Show TextBlock where
show t = T.unpack (t ^. textBlock)

textJuvixBlockOptions :: MkJuvixBlockOptions -> Text
textJuvixBlockOptions opt =
T.intercalate " " $
[ if opt ^. mkJuvixBlockOptionsHide then Just "hide" else Nothing

instance Show MkJuvixBlockOptions where
show opt = T.unpack (textJuvixBlockOptions opt)

textJuvixCodeBlock :: JuvixCodeBlock -> Text
textJuvixCodeBlock cb =
[ "```juvix",
textJuvixBlockOptions (cb ^. juvixCodeBlockOptions),
cb ^. juvixCodeBlockOptions,
cb ^. juvixCodeBlock,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -83,19 +66,6 @@ instance Monoid TextBlock where
mappend = (<>)

instance Semigroup MkJuvixBlockOptions where
a <> b =
{ _mkJuvixBlockOptionsHide = a ^. mkJuvixBlockOptionsHide || b ^. mkJuvixBlockOptionsHide

instance Monoid MkJuvixBlockOptions where
mempty =
{ _mkJuvixBlockOptionsHide = False
mappend = (<>)

instance Semigroup Mk where
a <> MkNull = a
MkNull <> a = a
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -190,25 +160,20 @@ instance MK.IsInline TextBlock where
toTextBlock t
| otherwise = mempty

getJuvixBlockOptions :: Text -> MkJuvixBlockOptions
getJuvixBlockOptions = \case
"hide" -> mempty {_mkJuvixBlockOptionsHide = True}
_ -> mempty

nl' :: Mk
nl' = toMK nl

processCodeBlock :: Text -> Text -> Maybe Interval -> Mk
processCodeBlock info t loc =
case T.splitOn " " (T.strip info) of
("juvix" : opts) ->
case T.stripPrefix "juvix" (T.strip info) of
Just opts ->
{ _juvixCodeBlock = t,
_juvixCodeBlockOptions = foldMap getJuvixBlockOptions opts,
_juvixCodeBlockOptions = opts,
_juvixCodeBlockInterval = loc
_ ->
Nothing ->
let b = "```" <> info <> t <> "```"
in MkTextBlock TextBlock {_textBlock = b, _textBlockInterval = loc}

Expand Down
38 changes: 38 additions & 0 deletions src/Juvix/Compiler/Backend/Markdown/Error.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,18 +1,24 @@
module Juvix.Compiler.Backend.Markdown.Error where

import Juvix.Compiler.Backend.Markdown.Data.Types
import Juvix.Compiler.Concrete.Language
import Juvix.Compiler.Concrete.Translation.FromParsed.Analysis.Scoping.Error.Pretty
import Juvix.Parser.Error.Base
import Juvix.Prelude

data MarkdownBackendError
= ErrInternalNoMarkdownInfo NoMarkdownInfoError
| ErrNoJuvixCodeBlocks NoJuvixCodeBlocksError
| ErrInvalidExtractModuleBlock InvalidExtractModuleBlockError
| ErrInvalidCodeBlockAttribtues InvalidCodeBlockAttributesError
deriving stock (Show)

instance ToGenericError MarkdownBackendError where
genericError = \case
ErrInternalNoMarkdownInfo e -> genericError e
ErrNoJuvixCodeBlocks e -> genericError e
ErrInvalidExtractModuleBlock e -> genericError e
ErrInvalidCodeBlockAttribtues e -> genericError e

newtype NoMarkdownInfoError = NoMarkdownInfoError
{ _noMarkdownInfoFilepath :: Path Abs File
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -49,3 +55,35 @@ instance ToGenericError NoJuvixCodeBlocksError where
i :: Interval
i = singletonInterval . mkInitialLoc $ _noJuvixCodeBlocksErrorFilepath

data InvalidExtractModuleBlockError = InvalidExtractModuleBlockError
{ _invalidExtractModuleBlockErrorInterval :: Maybe Interval,
_invalidExtractModuleBlockErrorPath :: Path Abs File
deriving stock (Show)

instance ToGenericError InvalidExtractModuleBlockError where
genericError InvalidExtractModuleBlockError {..} = do
let msg :: Doc Ann
msg = "Juvix code blocks with attribute" <+> optionExtractModuleStatements <+> "must contain a single local module"
{ _genericErrorLoc = i,
_genericErrorMessage = prettyError msg,
_genericErrorIntervals = [i]
i :: Interval
i =
(singletonInterval (mkInitialLoc (_invalidExtractModuleBlockErrorPath)))

newtype InvalidCodeBlockAttributesError = InvalidCodeBlockAttributesError
{ _invalidCodeBlockAttributesErrorMegaparsecError :: MegaparsecError
deriving stock (Show)

instance ToGenericError InvalidCodeBlockAttributesError where
genericError InvalidCodeBlockAttributesError {..} =
genericError _invalidCodeBlockAttributesErrorMegaparsecError
64 changes: 46 additions & 18 deletions src/Juvix/Compiler/Backend/Markdown/Translation/FromTyped/Source.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ fromJuvixMarkdown opts = do
_processingStateStmtsSeparation = sepr,
_processingStateStmts = indModuleFilter $ m ^. Concrete.moduleBody
(_, r) <- runState st . runReader htmlOptions . runReader opts $ go
(_, r) <- runState st . runReader htmlOptions . runReader opts $ go fname
return $ MK.toPlainText r
Nothing ->
Expand All @@ -104,34 +104,49 @@ go ::
( Members
'[ Reader HtmlRender.HtmlOptions,
Reader ProcessJuvixBlocksArgs,
State ProcessingState
State ProcessingState,
Error MarkdownBackendError
) =>
Path Abs File ->
Sem r Mk
go = do
go fname = do
stmts <- gets @ProcessingState (^. processingStateStmts)
sepr <- gets @ProcessingState (^. processingStateStmtsSeparation)
mk <- gets @ProcessingState (^. processingStateMk)
case (sepr, stmts) of
([], _) -> return mk
((n : ns), _) -> do
case sepr of
[] -> return mk
(n : ns) -> do
case mk of
MkNull -> return mk
MkTextBlock _ -> return mk
MkConcat l r -> do
modify (set processingStateMk l)
lS <- go
lS <- go fname
modify (set processingStateMk r)
MkConcat lS <$> go
MkConcat lS <$> go fname
MkJuvixCodeBlock j -> do
opts <- case parseJuvixBlockOptions fname (j ^. juvixCodeBlockOptions) of
Left e ->
( ErrInvalidCodeBlockAttribtues
(InvalidCodeBlockAttributesError e)
Right o -> return o

m <-
asks @ProcessJuvixBlocksArgs
(^. processJuvixBlocksArgsModule)

isFirstBlock <- gets @ProcessingState (^. processingStateFirstBlock)

let stmts' = take n stmts
stmts' <-
let blockStmts = take n stmts
in case opts of
MkJuvixBlockOptionsExtractModule o ->
checkExtractModule j (o ^. juvixBlockOptionsExtractModuleDrop) blockStmts
_ -> return blockStmts

htmlStatements :: [Html] <-
mapM (\s -> goRender s <> pure htmlSemicolon) stmts'
Expand All @@ -153,15 +168,14 @@ go = do
Text.intercalate "\n\n" $
map (toStrict . Html.renderHtml) htmlStatements

let _processingStateMk =
if j ^. juvixCodeBlockOptions . mkJuvixBlockOptionsHide
then MkNull
{ _textBlock = Text.replace "\n" "<br/>" resHtml,
_textBlockInterval = j ^. juvixCodeBlockInterval
let _processingStateMk = case opts of
MkJuvixBlockOptionsHide -> MkNull
_ ->
{ _textBlock = Text.replace "\n" "<br/>" resHtml,
_textBlockInterval = j ^. juvixCodeBlockInterval
let newState =
{ _processingStateFirstBlock = False,
Expand All @@ -171,6 +185,20 @@ go = do
modify @ProcessingState $ const newState
return _processingStateMk
checkExtractModule :: JuvixCodeBlock -> Int -> [Concrete.Statement 'Concrete.Scoped] -> Sem r [Concrete.Statement 'Concrete.Scoped]
checkExtractModule j dropNum xs = case xs of
[Concrete.StatementModule m] -> do
return (drop dropNum (indModuleFilter (m ^. Concrete.moduleBody)))
_ ->
( ErrInvalidExtractModuleBlock
( InvalidExtractModuleBlockError
{ _invalidExtractModuleBlockErrorPath = fname,
_invalidExtractModuleBlockErrorInterval = j ^. juvixCodeBlockInterval

goRender ::
(Concrete.PrettyPrint c, Members '[Reader HtmlRender.HtmlOptions, Reader ProcessJuvixBlocksArgs] r) =>
Expand Down

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