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add tracing to nockma evaluator and pretty errors
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janmasrovira committed Jan 19, 2024
1 parent 08cee04 commit d207604
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Showing 9 changed files with 245 additions and 95 deletions.
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions app/Commands/Dev/Nockma/Repl.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -10,13 +10,13 @@ import Data.String.Interpolate (__i)
import Juvix.Compiler.Nockma.Evaluator (NockEvalError, evalRepl, fromReplTerm, programAssignments)
import Juvix.Compiler.Nockma.Evaluator.Options
import Juvix.Compiler.Nockma.Language
import Juvix.Compiler.Nockma.Pretty
import Juvix.Compiler.Nockma.Pretty qualified as Nockma
import Juvix.Compiler.Nockma.Translation.FromSource (parseProgramFile, parseReplStatement, parseReplText, parseText)
import Juvix.Parser.Error
import System.Console.Haskeline
import System.Console.Repline qualified as Repline
import Prelude (read)
import Juvix.Compiler.Nockma.Pretty

type ReplS = State.StateT ReplState IO

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ readReplTerm s = do
mprog <- getProgram
let t =
. runError @NockEvalError
. runError @(NockEvalError Natural)
. fromReplTerm (programAssignments mprog)
. fromMegaParsecError
. parseReplText
Expand All @@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ evalStatement = \case
. runM
. runReader defaultEvalOptions
. runError @(ErrNockNatural Natural)
. runError @NockEvalError
. runError @(NockEvalError Natural)
$ evalRepl (putStrLn . Nockma.ppTrace) prog s t
case et of
Left e -> error (show e)
Expand Down
136 changes: 69 additions & 67 deletions src/Juvix/Compiler/Nockma/Evaluator.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8,25 +8,27 @@ where
import Juvix.Compiler.Nockma.Evaluator.Error
import Juvix.Compiler.Nockma.Evaluator.Options
import Juvix.Compiler.Nockma.Language
import Juvix.Compiler.Nockma.Pretty
import Juvix.Prelude hiding (Atom, Path)

asAtom :: (Member (Error NockEvalError) r) => Term a -> Sem r (Atom a)
asAtom :: (Members '[Reader EvalCtx, Error (NockEvalError a)] r) => Term a -> Sem r (Atom a)
asAtom = \case
TermAtom a -> return a
TermCell {} -> throw ExpectedAtom
TermCell c -> throwExpectedAtom c

asCell :: (Member (Error NockEvalError) r) => Text -> Term a -> Sem r (Cell a)
asCell msg = \case
TermAtom {} -> throw (ExpectedCell msg)
asCell :: (Members '[Reader EvalCtx, Error (NockEvalError a)] r) => Term a -> Sem r (Cell a)
asCell = \case
TermAtom a -> throwExpectedCell a
TermCell c -> return c

asBool :: (Member (Error NockEvalError) r, NockNatural a) => Term a -> Sem r Bool
asBool :: (Members '[Reader EvalCtx, Error (NockEvalError a)] r, NockNatural a) => Term a -> Sem r Bool
asBool t = do
a <- asAtom t
return (a == nockTrue)

asPath :: (Members '[Error NockEvalError, Error (ErrNockNatural a)] r, NockNatural a) => Term a -> Sem r Path
asPath ::
(Members '[Reader EvalCtx, Error (NockEvalError a), Error (ErrNockNatural a)] r, NockNatural a) =>
Term a ->
Sem r Path
asPath = asAtom >=> nockPath

subTermT' :: Path -> Traversal (Term a) (Term a) (First (Term a)) (Term a)
Expand All @@ -44,23 +46,22 @@ subTermT = go
L -> (\l' -> TermCell (set cellLeft l' c)) <$> go ds g (c ^. cellLeft)
R -> (\r' -> TermCell (set cellRight r' c)) <$> go ds g (c ^. cellRight)

subTerm :: (Members '[Reader EvalCtx, Error NockEvalError] r) => Term a -> Path -> Sem r (Term a)
subTerm term pos = do
ctx <- ask
subTerm :: (Members '[Reader EvalCtx, Error (NockEvalError a)] r) => Term a -> Path -> Sem r (Term a)
subTerm term pos =
case term ^? subTermT pos of
Nothing -> throw (InvalidPath ctx)
Nothing -> throwInvalidPath term pos
Just t -> return t

setSubTerm :: (Members '[Error NockEvalError] r) => Term a -> Path -> Term a -> Sem r (Term a)
setSubTerm :: forall a r. (Members '[Error (NockEvalError a)] r) => Term a -> Path -> Term a -> Sem r (Term a)
setSubTerm term pos repTerm =
let (old, new) = setAndRemember (subTermT' pos) repTerm term
in if
| isNothing (getFirst old) -> throw @NockEvalError (error "")
| isNothing (getFirst old) -> throw @(NockEvalError a) (error "")
| otherwise -> return new

parseCell ::
forall r a.
(Members '[Error NockEvalError, Error (ErrNockNatural a)] r, NockNatural a) =>
(Members '[Error (NockEvalError a), Error (ErrNockNatural a)] r, NockNatural a) =>
Cell a ->
Sem r (ParsedCell a)
parseCell c = case c ^. cellLeft of
Expand All @@ -86,9 +87,9 @@ parseCell c = case c ^. cellLeft of
_operatorCellTerm = t

fromReplTerm :: (Members '[Error NockEvalError] r) => HashMap Text (Term a) -> ReplTerm a -> Sem r (Term a)
fromReplTerm :: forall a r. (Members '[Error (NockEvalError a)] r) => HashMap Text (Term a) -> ReplTerm a -> Sem r (Term a)
fromReplTerm namedTerms = \case
ReplName n -> maybe (throw (AssignmentNotFound n)) return (namedTerms ^. at n)
ReplName n -> maybe (throw @(NockEvalError a) (ErrAssignmentNotFound n)) return (namedTerms ^. at n)
ReplTerm t -> return t

programAssignments :: Maybe (Program a) -> HashMap Text (Term a)
Expand All @@ -101,7 +102,7 @@ programAssignments mprog =
-- | The stack provided in the replExpression has priority
evalRepl ::
forall r a.
(PrettyCode a, Integral a, Members '[Reader EvalOptions, Error NockEvalError, Error (ErrNockNatural a)] r, NockNatural a) =>
(Integral a, Members '[Reader EvalOptions, Error (NockEvalError a), Error (ErrNockNatural a)] r, NockNatural a) =>
(Term a -> Sem r ()) ->
Maybe (Program a) ->
Maybe (Term a) ->
Expand All @@ -117,14 +118,14 @@ evalRepl handleTrace mprog defaultStack expr = do
fromReplTerm namedTerms t >>= runOutputSem @(Term a) handleTrace . eval stack
errNoStack :: Sem r x
errNoStack = throw NoStack
errNoStack = throw @(NockEvalError a) (ErrNoStack NoStack)

namedTerms :: HashMap Text (Term a)
namedTerms = programAssignments mprog

eval ::
forall s a.
(PrettyCode a, Integral a, Members '[Reader EvalOptions, Output (Term a), Error NockEvalError, Error (ErrNockNatural a)] s, NockNatural a) =>
(Integral a, Members '[Reader EvalOptions, Output (Term a), Error (NockEvalError a), Error (ErrNockNatural a)] s, NockNatural a) =>
Term a ->
Term a ->
Sem s (Term a)
Expand All @@ -139,7 +140,7 @@ eval inistack initerm =
Term a ->
Sem r (Term a)
recEval stack term = case term of
TermAtom a -> throw (ExpectedCell ("eval " <> ppTrace a))
TermAtom a -> throwExpectedCell a
TermCell c ->
parseCell c >>= \case
ParsedAutoConsCell a -> goAutoConsCell a
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -187,11 +188,11 @@ eval inistack initerm =
let w a =
{ _crumbAutoConsArgName = a,
{ _crumbAutoConsTag = a,
_crumbAutoConsLoc = loc
l' <- withCrumb (w FirstArg) (recEval stack (TermCell (c ^. autoConsCellLeft)))
r' <- withCrumb (w SecondArg) (recEval stack (c ^. autoConsCellRight))
l' <- withCrumb (w crumbEvalFirst) (recEval stack (TermCell (c ^. autoConsCellLeft)))
r' <- withCrumb (w crumbEvalSecond) (recEval stack (c ^. autoConsCellRight))
return (TermCell (Cell l' r'))

goOperatorCell :: OperatorCell a -> Sem r (Term a)
Expand All @@ -210,20 +211,22 @@ eval inistack initerm =
OpHint -> goOpHint
OpTrace -> goOpTrace
crumb argName =
crumb crumbTag =
EvalCrumbOperator $
{ _crumbOperatorOp = c ^. operatorCellOp,
_crumbOperatorArgName = argName,
_crumbOperatorTag = crumbTag,
_crumbOperatorLoc = loc

evalArg :: ArgName -> Term a -> Term a -> Sem r (Term a)
evalArg argName stack' arg = do
withCrumb (crumb argName) (recEval stack' arg)
evalArg :: CrumbTag -> Term a -> Term a -> Sem r (Term a)
evalArg crumbTag stack' arg = do
withCrumb (crumb crumbTag) (recEval stack' arg)

goOpAddress :: Sem r (Term a)
goOpAddress = withCrumb (crumb Itself) (asPath (c ^. operatorCellTerm) >>= subTerm stack)
goOpAddress = do
cr <- withCrumb (crumb crumbDecodeFirst) (asPath (c ^. operatorCellTerm))
withCrumb (crumb crumbEval) (subTerm stack cr)

goOpQuote :: Term a
goOpQuote = c ^. operatorCellTerm
Expand All @@ -235,77 +238,76 @@ eval inistack initerm =

goOpTrace :: Sem r (Term a)
goOpTrace = do
Cell' tr a _ <- withCrumb (crumb Itself) (asCell "OpTrace" (c ^. operatorCellTerm))
tr' <- evalArg FirstArg stack tr
Cell' tr a _ <- withCrumb (crumb crumbDecodeFirst) (asCell (c ^. operatorCellTerm))
tr' <- evalArg crumbEvalFirst stack tr
output tr'
evalArg SecondArg stack a
evalArg crumbEvalSecond stack a

goOpHint :: Sem r (Term a)
goOpHint = do
-- Ignore the hint and evaluate
h <- withCrumb (crumb Itself) (asCell "OpHint" (c ^. operatorCellTerm))
evalArg FirstArg stack (h ^. cellRight)
h <- withCrumb (crumb crumbDecodeFirst) (asCell (c ^. operatorCellTerm))
evalArg crumbEvalFirst stack (h ^. cellRight)

goOpPush :: Sem r (Term a)
goOpPush = do
cellTerm <- withCrumb (crumb Itself) (asCell "OpPush" (c ^. operatorCellTerm))
l <- evalArg FirstArg stack (cellTerm ^. cellLeft)
cellTerm <- withCrumb (crumb crumbDecodeFirst) (asCell (c ^. operatorCellTerm))
l <- evalArg crumbEvalFirst stack (cellTerm ^. cellLeft)
let s = TermCell (Cell l stack)
evalArg SecondArg s (cellTerm ^. cellRight)
evalArg crumbEvalSecond s (cellTerm ^. cellRight)

goOpReplace :: Sem r (Term a)
goOpReplace = do
Cell' rot1 t2 _ <- withCrumb (crumb Itself) (asCell "OpReplace 1" (c ^. operatorCellTerm))
Cell' ro t1 _ <- withCrumb (crumb Itself) (asCell "OpReplace 2" rot1)
r <- withCrumb (crumb Itself) (asPath ro)
t1' <- evalArg FirstArg stack t1
t2' <- evalArg SecondArg stack t2
Cell' rot1 t2 _ <- withCrumb (crumb crumbDecodeFirst) (asCell (c ^. operatorCellTerm))
Cell' ro t1 _ <- withCrumb (crumb crumbDecodeSecond) (asCell rot1)
r <- withCrumb (crumb crumbDecodeThird) (asPath ro)
t1' <- evalArg crumbEvalFirst stack t1
t2' <- evalArg crumbEvalSecond stack t2
setSubTerm t2' r t1'

goOpApply :: Sem r (Term a)
goOpApply = do
cellTerm <- withCrumb (crumb Itself) (asCell "OpApply" (c ^. operatorCellTerm))
t1' <- evalArg FirstArg stack (cellTerm ^. cellLeft)
t2' <- evalArg SecondArg stack (cellTerm ^. cellRight)
evalArg SecondArg t1' t2'
cellTerm <- withCrumb (crumb crumbDecodeFirst) (asCell (c ^. operatorCellTerm))
t1' <- evalArg crumbEvalFirst stack (cellTerm ^. cellLeft)
t2' <- evalArg crumbEvalSecond stack (cellTerm ^. cellRight)
evalArg crumbEvalSecond t1' t2'

goOpIf :: Sem r (Term a)
goOpIf = do
cellTerm <- withCrumb (crumb Itself) (asCell "OpIf 1" (c ^. operatorCellTerm))
cellTerm <- withCrumb (crumb crumbDecodeFirst) (asCell (c ^. operatorCellTerm))
let t0 = cellTerm ^. cellLeft
Cell' t1 t2 _ <- withCrumb (crumb Itself) (asCell "OpIf 2" (cellTerm ^. cellRight))
cond <- evalArg FirstArg stack t0 >>= asBool
Cell' t1 t2 _ <- withCrumb (crumb crumbDecodeSecond) (asCell (cellTerm ^. cellRight))
cond <- evalArg crumbEvalFirst stack t0 >>= asBool
| cond -> evalArg TrueBranch stack t1
| otherwise -> evalArg FalseBranch stack t2
| cond -> evalArg crumbTrueBranch stack t1
| otherwise -> evalArg crumbFalseBranch stack t2

goOpInc :: Sem r (Term a)
goOpInc =
(crumb Itself)
( TermAtom . nockSucc
<$> (evalArg FirstArg stack (c ^. operatorCellTerm) >>= asAtom)
TermAtom . nockSucc
<$> ( evalArg crumbEvalFirst stack (c ^. operatorCellTerm)
>>= withCrumb (crumb crumbDecodeFirst) . asAtom

goOpEq :: Sem r (Term a)
goOpEq = do
cellTerm <- withCrumb (crumb Itself) (asCell "OpEq" (c ^. operatorCellTerm))
l <- evalArg FirstArg stack (cellTerm ^. cellLeft)
r <- evalArg SecondArg stack (cellTerm ^. cellRight)
cellTerm <- withCrumb (crumb crumbDecodeFirst) (asCell (c ^. operatorCellTerm))
l <- evalArg crumbEvalFirst stack (cellTerm ^. cellLeft)
r <- evalArg crumbEvalSecond stack (cellTerm ^. cellRight)
return . TermAtom $
| l == r -> nockTrue
| otherwise -> nockFalse

goOpCall :: Sem r (Term a)
goOpCall = do
cellTerm <- withCrumb (crumb Itself) (asCell "OpCall" (c ^. operatorCellTerm))
r <- withCrumb (crumb Itself) (asPath (cellTerm ^. cellLeft))
t' <- evalArg FirstArg stack (cellTerm ^. cellRight)
subTerm t' r >>= evalArg SecondArg t'
cellTerm <- withCrumb (crumb crumbDecodeFirst) (asCell (c ^. operatorCellTerm))
r <- withCrumb (crumb crumbDecodeSecond) (asPath (cellTerm ^. cellLeft))
t' <- evalArg crumbEvalFirst stack (cellTerm ^. cellRight)
subTerm t' r >>= evalArg crumbEvalSecond t'

goOpSequence :: Sem r (Term a)
goOpSequence = do
cellTerm <- withCrumb (crumb Itself) (asCell "OpSequence" (c ^. operatorCellTerm))
t1' <- evalArg FirstArg stack (cellTerm ^. cellLeft)
evalArg SecondArg t1' (cellTerm ^. cellRight)
cellTerm <- withCrumb (crumb crumbDecodeFirst) (asCell (c ^. operatorCellTerm))
t1' <- evalArg crumbEvalFirst stack (cellTerm ^. cellLeft)
evalArg crumbEvalSecond t1' (cellTerm ^. cellRight)

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