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I was intrigued by this puzzle at a local math event.

Today-is math puzzle

So I decided to write a solution for it, and blog about it.

And then extended it to work for similar puzzles.

If you just want solutions, check out the Interactive Solver.


today-puzzle is written in Rust and built with cargo. Use just or see the Justfile for command helpers.

# Run to solve a specific date
# Each piece is represented by a unique letter
$ just run --date 12-25
**** 12-25 ****
A A G G G G . .
A A E E G . . .
A A E F B B B .
D D E F B H B .
C D E F F H H .
C D D . F H H .
C C C . . . . .
. . . . . . . .

# Run for all days, but only print the solution count
$ just run --all-dates --print count
01-01 has 64 solutions
01-02 has 109 solutions
01-03 has 47 solutions
01-04 has 103 solutions

$ just run --help
Puzzle-a-day solver

Usage: today-is [OPTIONS]

  -d, --date <DATE>
          Date to solve in M-D format [default: today]

  -a, --all-dates
          Count solutions for every day of the year

  -p, --print <PRINT>
          Specifies with solutions to print

          [default: first]

          Possible values:
          - first:   Display first solution, but no count (fastest)
          - summary: Display first solution and count of solutions
          - all:     Display all solutions and count of solutions
          - count:   Display only the count of solutions
          - check:   Only prints indicator if solution exists (exits early if any day is unsolvable)

  -v, --variant <VARIANT>
          Puzzle variant

          [default: dragon-fjord]
          [possible values: dragon-fjord, crea-makerspace, jarring-words, tetromino]

  -h, --help
          Print help information (use `-h` for a summary)

  -V, --version
          Print version information

It can also be built to target WASM using wasm-pack. This example uses miniserve to serve files:

$ just wasm

# start file server (e.g. uses miniserve - could use any file server)
$ just serve

Then you can open your browser to localhost:8080 to see the interactive puzzle solver.

Today-is solver


On my Dell XPS 13 Plus (for the DragonFjord variant):

  • It takes about 150ms to find all solutions for a given date (original implementation ~1s)
  • It takes about 1s to find one solution for every day of the year (original implementation ~10s)
  • It takes about 30s to find all solutions for every day of the year (original implementation ~6min)

Variant differences:

  • The CreaMakerspace variant is the slowest to find a single solution per date, but the fastest to find all solutions (because it has the fewest solution per date on average).
  • The Tetromino variant is the fastest to find a single solution per date, but the slowest to find all solutions (because it has the most solutions per date on average).


Flamegraph (just flamegraph) shows the time is basically split between BitPiece::to_bitboard and BitBoard::has_small_gaps.

  • to_bitboard was the original hot loop. It was optimized with benchmarks (cargo bench) in benches/ with the original implementation ~1.8ns vs the current implementation arround 0.8ns. It may be possible to mostly eliminate this function by just storing pieces as u64 instead of u16.
  • has_small_gaps reduced the number of to_bitboard calls significantly. It's implementation accounted for 5-10x speedup.


Solution to a math puzzle







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