Releases: ant-design/pro-components
Releases · ant-design/pro-components
- refactor(layout): update path-to-regexp to version 8.1.0 (#8725)
- fix(form): pass the OptionType type of ProFormSelect to the inner Select (#8568). #8568 @dreammaker7
- fix(form): correct line height in list action (#8584). #8584 @drizzlesconsin
- feat(form): export ProFormTreeSelectProps (#8589). #8589 @fnoopv
- fix(table): don't spread key to children (#8588). #8588 @fnoopv
- feat(field): add localizedFormat plugin to dayjs (#8582). #8582 @lynette-li
- fix(layout): PageHeader style and breadcrumb.routes prop (#8491). #8491 @ChuChencheng
- fix(form): formItem help render type (#8482). #8482 @yunho1017
- fix(form): LightFilter + SearchSelect component support fetchDataOnSearch (#8363). #8363 @zhuba-Ahhh
- fix(form): SearchSelect scrolling error in grouping (#8365). #8365 @zhuba-Ahhh
- fix(form): 将 LightSelect 组件中,popupMatchSelectWidth={false}注释掉,变成灵活多变的动态配置,供用户自行配置。否则,popupMatchSelectWidth 写死 false 会关闭虚拟滚动,数量量过大时,影响组件性能 (#8354). #8354 @gb853940223
- feat(table): table support RowEditorTable and CellEditorTable. 013877d
- fix(table): 修 columnsMap 重新赋值时总是使用默认值的问题 (#8384). #8384 @fnoopv
- fix(card): The extra element and title ellipsis in the checkcard are not functioning correctly when the title is too long (#8347). #8347 @justnewneo
- chore(descriptions): Reveal the key to prevent errors (#8394). #8394 @zhuba-Ahhh