Simple set of Docker Compose files to start a demonstrable and example Senzing stack using pre-built container images.
This stack emulates many components of one type of Senzing architectural deployment pattern.
- Assumes using Linux
- Docker / Docker Compose are installed
- Internet connection
- Your user is a member of the docker group or you have sudo access. If you have sudo access prefix the docker/docker-compose commands with sudo. These instructions assume the user is a member of the docker group.
This demonstrator utilises a number of example Docker images available at
Additional non-Senzing images used:
When localhost is referenced below it is assumed all actions are on the same machine. If you deploy the assets on one machine and use a browser to access them, change localhost to the hostname of the machine running the assets.
Run commands from within the yaml directory.
Export the SENZING_ENGINE_CONFIGURATION_JSON env var on the host with the Senzing engine configuration, change <host_name_here>
to the hosts host name:
export SENZING_ENGINE_CONFIGURATION_JSON='{"PIPELINE":{"CONFIGPATH":"/etc/opt/senzing","LICENSESTRINGBASE64":"","RESOURCEPATH":"/opt/senzing/g2/resources","SUPPORTPATH":"/opt/senzing/data"},"SQL":{"CONNECTION":"postgresql://postgres:password@<host_name_here>:5432:g2"}}'
docker-compose -f docker-compose-postgres.yaml up --detach
docker-compose -f docker-compose-tools.yaml up --detach
docker-compose -f docker-compose-loader.yaml up --detach --scale senzing-loader=2
docker-compose -f docker-compose-redoer.yaml up --detach
docker-compose -f docker-compose-restserver.yaml up --detach
Test the REST API Server by navigating to http://localhost:8250 or using curl:
curl -X GET http://localhost:8250/specifications/open-api
docker-compose -f docker-compose-webapp.yaml up --detach
Navigate to http://localhost:8251, search for 'RIOS BARBARA'
Run curl to fetch the API specification from the Senzing REST API Server, taking note to use the port from above:
curl -X GET http://localhost:<port_from_above>/specifications/open-api -o /tmp/apispec.json
This step uses a utility to extract the section from the specification required for Swagger, you may have to install this, e.g., on Debian 'sudo apt install jq'.
curl -X GET http://localhost:8250/specifications/open-api | jq -c '.data' > ../data/rest_api_spec.json
docker-compose -f docker-compose-swagger.yaml up --detach
Launch the Swagger UI console at: http://localhost:9180/