This reposiitory contains the code which allow you to manipulate the opening hours format as described for Open Street Map, in a low-level C library.
Everything should be in the Makefile.
$ make
$ sudo make install
As simple as before:
$ sudo make uninstall
If you simply want to test the availability of some features, you can do:
$ make standalone
$ ./libopening-hours "9:00-19:00"
-------- SEPARATOR --------
Separator: 1
-------- SELECTORS --------
Anyway: 0
Type: 0
Years: 1900+
Monthdays: Jan - Dec
Weeknums: 1 - 53
Type: 0
Weekdays: Mo - Su
Hours: 09:00 - 19:00
-------- STATE --------
That's open
This project needs a huge amount of updates. Even if I can't update it for now, I won't give up the development of the project.
You're welcome to submit any issue or pull request.