You can read about the project here:
This is a two-part project. This is a client side. It builds into a VueJS SPA Wordpress theme but can be hosted standalone if you do not run afterbuild
This project is created using Vue Cli (
npm install -g @vue/cli
# OR
yarn global add @vue/cli
Install NVM if you haven't already. You can find the installation instructions on the NVM GitHub page:
nvm install 16
nvm use 16
Install dependencies:
npm install
Use vue ui
to run the project and perform other tasks. Alternatively, use npm for that
npm run serve
npm run build
Leaves some PHP code inside <noscript>
of index.html. This is needed for basic prerender functionality. Can be safely removed when hosting standalone.
Renames index.html to index.php
npm run build && npm run afterbuild
npm run lint
npm run resolve
© 2020 @anthonyboutinov. All rights reserved. Alberick logo, photos etc. © 2020 Alberick Medisch Centrum. All rights reserved. Vector artwork design by pch.vector / Freepik.