The notebook for the linear and ridge regression models is called DS4400_Project.ipynb
In order to run the linear and ridge regression models. Simply run all cells in the provided notebook in sequential order.
- Install venv if not installed.
- Create a new virtual environment and install requirements.txt using pip in the environment
- Run the command below in a terminal window
Note, default configuration variables are set in file:
games_to_look_back = 10
Defining input size, hidden layer size, output size and batch size respectively
n_in, n_h, n_out, hidden_layers, activation_function = 44, 50, 1, 3, 'relu'
k_folds = 10 epochs = 150
There are 6 outputs to acknowledge:
- Average training accuracy over the number of folds
- Average training loss over the number of folds
- Average testing accuracy over the number of folds
- A list of all training accuracies during k-fold validation
- A list of all training losses during k-fold validation
- A list of all testing accuracies during k-fold validation