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Levente Polyak edited this page Apr 2, 2020 · 1 revision

Welcome to the linux-hardened wiki!


Pull request maintenance

This repository is maintained as a series of clean patches on top of the vanilla branches. This means that any pull request will need to perform semi-regular maintenance by rebasing against the latest master branch of this repository whenever it changes.

# add this repository to your fork
git remote add hardened
# check out your pull request branch
git checkout feature/awesome-new-stuff
# fetch new changes
git fetch hardened
# rebase against latest master branch
git rebase hardened/master
# push rebased pull request branch
git push --force-with-lease origin feature/awesome-new-stuff

Pull requests must consist solely of commits that should make it into the tree after being applied. All fixup commits, changes and additions that do not justify being independent commits must be amended into the appropriate commit.

# simply amending of a single commit
git commit --amend
# interactive rebase for more control (drop, fixup, reorder etc)
git rebase --interactive hardened/master
# push updated pull request branch
git push --force-with-lease origin feature/awesome-new-stuff
Clone this wiki locally