This library provides an easy to use implementation of a DistributedActorSystem Swift 5.7 language feature based on MultiPeer Connectivity framework.
Distributed actors are an extension of the "local only" actor model offered by Swift with its actor keyword.
Distributed actors are declared using the distributed actor keywords (and importing the Distributed module), and enable the declaring of distributed func methods inside such actor. Such methods may then be invoked remotely, from other peers in a distributed actor system.
The distributed actor language feature does not include any specific runtime, and only defines the language and semantic rules surrounding distributed actors.
let actorSystem = MultipeerActorSystem()
distributed actor DistributedActor: NearbyDistributedActor {
public typealias ActorSystem = MultipeerActorSystem
typealias SerializationRequirement = any Codable
distributed func actorFunc() async {
You can easily discover all nearby peers with receptionist or choose to transfer actor id manually in any other way.
Implements all the logic needed to discover nearby peers.
Register your actor with receptionist on one device
await actorSystem.receptionist.publish(testActor, scope: .none)
Discover your actor via receptionist on another device
let nearbyActors = await actorSystem.receptionist.waitFor(of: MCDistributedActor.self, scope: .none)
for try await other in nearbyActors {
- Actor via MultiPeer Connectivity framework
- Chain communication through multiple peers
- Actor via Bluetooth LE
- Encryption