4.9 New dart target, bug fixes, small enhancements
New DART target
Thanks to @lingyv-li, we have a DART target!
Issues fixed
- [Python3] Large import time cost paid for inline unittests ()
- Dart tests fail (target:dart)
- C++20 can not construct a std::string with a UTF-8 encoded string literal ()
- Warning in generated javascript code when using node 14 ()
- Python3 parser generation incorrect by ANTLR 4.7.1 and problem in Parser.py (target:python3)
- PHP target generates invalid output when $ is used as part of the literal in lexer rule (target:php)
- [C++][CMake] find_package() fails when the C++ runtime is make-install'ed ()
- [Go] Generated lexer and parser file names are always in lower case with underscore ()
- Syntax error in antlr4/runtime/Swift/boot.py (target:swift)
Improvements, features
- Avoid stepping through ANTLR generated code when debugging (C#) (target:csharp, type:improvement)
- replace gramamr with grammar (type:improvement)
- Dart Target (target:dart, type:improvement)
Pull requests grouped by target
csharp target
- Made C# Trace Listener usable for most cases (target:csharp)
- Avoid stepping through ANTLR generated code when debugging (C#) (target:csharp, type:improvement)
- refactored AntlrInputStream.cs by removing a redundand if-statement (target:csharp)
- Clarify and expand documentation for runtime ParseTreeWalker (target:csharp)
- NullReferenceException in CSharp target #2304 (target:csharp)
cpp target
- cpp-target.md link broken fix (comp:doc, target:cpp)
- Fix linker issue when compiling Cpp runtime with CMake and MSVC on Windows (comp:build, target:cpp)
- Fix regressions in travis Cpp tests (target:cpp)
- Fix clang compile error with --stdlib=libc++ (target:cpp)
- [C++ runtime] Remove codecvt header (deprecated in C++17) in cpp runtime. (target:cpp)
- Fix C++ target README example (comp:doc, target:cpp)
- [C++ codegen] Add default cases to AltBlock and OptionalBlock (target:cpp)
- [C++ codegen] Remove use of the u8"" string literal prefix (target:cpp)
- [C++ codegen] Add explicit keyword to constructor (target:cpp)
- [C++ runtime] Fix static const ODR violations (target:cpp)
- [C++ runtime] Add AntlrInputStream(std::string_view) constructor (target:cpp)
- [C++ runtime] Improvements of Vocabulary::fromTokenNames (target:cpp)
- [C++ runtime]: Improve coding style of auto usages (target:cpp)
- C++ target: don't generate extra/duplicate semicolons (target:cpp)
- C++ target: escape ? character to prevent accidental trigraphs (target:cpp)
- Fixed link to CMake example in cpp-target.md (comp:doc, target:cpp)
- Update cpp-target.md doc (tree::ParseTreeWalker::DEFAULT is now a reference) (actions, target:cpp)
- Fix CMake packaging (target:cpp)
- Fix #2727: improve setTokenFactory in Cpp target (target:cpp)
go target
- [Go] Thread-safe ANTLR codegen (target:go)
- [Golang] enable syntax highlighting (comp:doc, target:go)
java target
javascript target
- Corrected Webpack configuration in JavaScript documentation (comp:doc, target:javascript)
- Javascript es6 migration (target:javascript)
- Fix template issue (target:javascript)
- Fix #2902 (target:javascript)
- Fix a NPE (target:javascript, type:bug)
- fix for issues in #1759 (target:javascript)
- Javascript: migrate prototypical root modules to ES6 (target:javascript)
- Javascript: fix some cyclic dependencies (target:javascript)
- Javascript: migrate prototypical ATN objects to ES6 (target:javascript)
- Javascript: browser support increased with babel transformation (target:javascript)
- Drop browser tests (target:javascript)
- Javascript: migrate prototypical Tree objects to es6 classes (target:javascript)
- Javascript: migrate prototypical DFA objects to es6 classes (target:javascript)
python2 target
- Fix code generation for catch statements in python (target:python2, target:python3)
python3 target
- Changed Python runtime Lexer.py, Parser.py to support version >= 3.5 (target:python3)
- Fix undefined value (target:python3)
- changed python3 runtime Lexer.py, Parser.py to support version > 5. (target:python3)
- separate py3 runtime tests from src tree + actually run said tests in CI (target:python3)
- Fix code generation for catch statements in python (target:python2, target:python3)
swift target
- Added missing swift version of class ParseTreeProperty (target:swift)
- [Swift] Update codegen template (target:swift)
- added throws declaration missing from generated swift code (target:swift)
php target
- [PHP] Escape dollar sign in target string literal (target:php)
- fix composer command in documentation (comp:doc, target:php)
dart target
- Fix travis ci for Dart pin version (target:dart)
- Pin dart version to 2.8.4 to get unit tests passing (comp:build, target:dart)
- Dart Target (target:dart, type:improvement)
- 7 items: Camilo Roca (carocad)
- 6 items: ericvergnaud
- 5 items: Nathan Burles (nburles)
- 3 items: cliid (cliid)
- 3 items: Felix N (felixn)
- 3 items: Larry Li (lingyv-li)
- 3 items: sullis
- 2 items: Adam Wójs (adamwojs)
- 2 items: Rob McGregor (rmcgregor1990)
- 1 items: Michel Hartmann (MichelHartmann)
- 1 items: Adarsh Bhat (adarshbhat)
- 1 items: Martin Mirchev (Marti2203)
- 1 items: Rex Jaeschke (RexJaeschke)
- 1 items: Muhammed Zakir (MuhammedZakir)
- 1 items: trenki2
- 1 items: Arunav Sanyal (Khalian)
- 1 items: Tian Siyuan (tiansiyuan)
- 1 items: Arthur Sonzogni (ArthurSonzogni)
- 1 items: demons (Clcanny)
- 1 items: ericliu (eric-buaa-cn)
- 1 items: Steven Johnstone (stevenjohnstone)
- 1 items: Terence Parr (parrt)
- 1 items: Shan M (sha-N)
- 1 items: Akos Kiss (akosthekiss)
- 1 items: Gareth Andrew Lloyd (Ignition)
- 1 items: Crasse maximum (IohannRabeson)
- 1 items: Pablo Blanco Celdrán (sigmasoldi3r)
- 1 items: Kilian Kilger (cohomology)
- 1 items: Franco Victorio (fvictorio)
- 1 items: David MARKEY (d-markey)
- 1 items: [OXID-PS] Keywan Ghadami (keywan-ghadami-oxid)
- 1 items: gomerser
- 1 items: Moses Paul R (iammosespaulr)
- 1 items: Tristan Swadell (TristonianJones)
- 1 items: Martin van Wingerden (martinvw)
- 1 items: Adam Grabski (Agrabski)
- 1 items: Leon Wehmeier (lwehmeier)
- 1 items: Denis Kyashif (deniskyashif)
- 1 items: Song Yang (XsongyangX)
- 1 items: Mark Lilback (mlilback)
- 1 items: StochasticTinkr
- 1 items: Nathanael Demacon (quantumsheep)
- 1 items: gerrie-myburgh
- 1 items: Julián Bermúdez Ortega (julibert)
- 1 items: Steve Vinoski (vinoski)
- 1 items: praveen4463
- 1 items: Ben List (listba)
- 1 items: Markus Franke (markus-franke)
- 1 items: Eason Lin (easonlin404)
- 1 items: thron7
- 1 items: delins
- 1 items: Abhijith Neil Abraham (abhijithneilabraham)
- 1 items: Massimo Santini (mapio)
- 1 items: t-gergely
- 1 items: wkhemir
- 1 items: Ivan Kochurkin (KvanTTT)
- 1 items: xsIceman
- 1 items: Alexander Selling (sellingsolutions)