zsh plugin with aliases for Yandex version control system
antigen bundle anton-rudeshko/zsh-arc
Or add to your .antigenrc
antigen bundles <<EOBUNDLES
Then run:
antigen update
antigen reset
Reopen your shell.
Keep in mind that there are utilities shadowed with aliases:
$ which -a $(alias | grep -oE "^a[^=]*") | grep -v arc
a: aliased to fasd -a
afind: aliased to ack -il
Run shadowed commands via command cmd
or \cmd
Alias | Command |
aa |
arc add |
aaa |
arc add --all |
aapa |
arc add --patch |
aau |
arc add --update |
aav |
arc add --verbose |
ab |
arc branch |
aba |
arc branch --all |
abd |
arc branch --delete |
abda |
arc branch --merged | command grep -vE "^(\+|\*|\s*(trunk)\s*$)" | command xargs -n 1 arc branch -d |
abD |
arc branch -D |
abl |
arc blame |
ac |
arc commit |
ac! |
arc commit --amend |
acn! |
arc commit --no-edit --amend |
aca |
arc commit --all |
aca! |
arc commit --all --amend |
acan! |
arc commit --all --no-edit --amend |
acam |
arc commit --all --message |
acb |
arc checkout -b |
aclean |
arc clean -d |
apristine |
arc reset --hard $(arc_current_branch) && arc clean -dx |
act |
arc checkout trunk |
acmsg |
arc commit --message |
aco |
arc checkout |
acp |
arc cherry-pick |
acpa |
arc cherry-pick --abort |
acpc |
arc cherry-pick --continue |
acps |
arc cherry-pick --skip |
ad |
arc diff |
adca |
arc diff --cached |
ads |
arc diff --staged |
af |
arc fetch |
afa |
arc fetch --all |
afg |
arc ls-files | grep |
agpull |
arc pull "$(arc_current_branch)" |
agpush |
arc push "$(arc_current_branch)" |
agsup |
arc branch --set-upstream-to=arcadia/$(arc_current_branch) |
apsup |
arc push --set-upstream arcadia $(arc_current_branch) |
al |
arc pull |
alg |
arc log --stat |
algg |
arc log --graph |
algm |
arc log --graph --max-count=10 |
alo |
arc log --oneline |
alols |
arc log --graph --stat |
alog |
arc log --oneline --graph |
amt |
arc mergetool --no-prompt |
amtvim |
arc mergetool --no-prompt --tool=vimdiff |
ap |
arc push |
apf! |
arc push --force |
apr |
arc pr |
aprc |
arc pr create |
aprco |
arc pr checkout |
aprl |
arc pr list |
aprla |
arc pr list --all |
aprv |
arc pr view |
aprs |
arc pr status |
arb |
arc rebase |
arba |
arc rebase --abort |
arbc |
arc rebase --continue |
arbi |
arc rebase --interactive |
arbs |
arc rebase --skip |
arev |
arc revert |
arh |
arc reset |
arhh |
arc reset --hard |
aroh |
arc reset arcadia/$(arc_current_branch) --hard |
arm |
arc rm |
armc |
arc rm --cached |
ars |
arc restore |
arss |
arc restore --source |
art |
cd "$(arc root || echo .)" |
aru |
arc reset -- |
asb |
arc status -sb |
ash |
arc show --no-decorate |
ashd |
arc show |
ass |
arc status -s |
ast |
arc status |
astaa |
arc stash apply |
astc |
arc stash clear |
astd |
arc stash drop |
astl |
arc stash list |
astp |
arc stash pop |
asts |
arc stash show |
ats |
arc tag -s |
atv |
arc tag | sort -V |
aunwip |
arc log -n 1 | grep -q -c "\-\-wip\-\-" && arc reset HEAD~1 |
awip |
arc add -A; arc rm $(arc ls-files --deleted) 2> /dev/null; arc commit --message "--wip-- [skip ci]" |
/Users/rudeshko/dev/zsh-arc --no-local-clone
It is necessary to use absolute path.