The Gurobi Optimizer is a commercial optimization solver for a variety of mathematical programming problems, including linear programming (LP), quadratic programming (QP), quadratically constrained programming (QCP), mixed integer linear programming (MILP), mixed-integer quadratic programming (MIQP), and mixed-integer quadratically constrained programming (MIQCP).
The Gurobi solver is considered one of the best solvers (in terms of performance and success rate of tackling hard problems) in math programming, and its performance is comparable to (and sometimes superior to) CPLEX. Academic users can obtain a Gurobi license for free.
This package is a wrapper of the Gurobi solver (through its C interface). Currently, this package supports the following types of problems:
- Linear programming (LP)
- Mixed Integer Linear Programming (MILP)
- Quadratic programming (QP)
- Mixed Integer Quadratic Programming (MIQP)
- Quadratically constrained quadratic programming (QCQP)
- Second order cone programming (SOCP)
- Mixed integer second order cone programming (MISOCP)
The Gurobi wrapper for Julia is community driven and not officially supported by Gurobi. If you are a commercial customer interested in official support for Julia from Gurobi, let them know!
Here is the procedure to setup this package:
Obtain a license of Gurobi and install Gurobi solver, following the instructions on Gurobi's website.
The minimum version supported by Gurobi.jl is Gurobi v7.0.
Make sure the
environmental variable is set to the path of the Gurobi directory. This is part of a standard installation. The Gurobi library will be searched for inGUROBI_HOME/lib
on unix platforms andGUROBI_HOME\bin
on Windows. If the library is not found, check that your version is listed indeps/build.jl
. -
Install this package using
. -
Now, you can start using it.
By default, build
ing Gurobi.jl will fail if the Gurobi library is not found. This may not be desirable in certain cases, for example when part of a package's test suite uses Gurobi as an optional test dependency, but Gurobi cannot be installed on a CI server running the test suite. To support this use case, the GUROBI_JL_SKIP_LIB_CHECK
environment variable may be set (to any value) to make Gurobi.jl installable (but not usable).
Make sure that you have downloaded and installed Gurobi from Also, make sure that you validate the license.
Check that you have a Gurobi version between 7.0 and 8.1.
Make sure that the
environment variable is set correctly. You can see the current value as follows
If it is not set correctly (e.g., you get an error Key "GUROBI_HOME" not found
), you can set it as follows
julia> ENV["GUROBI_HOME"] = "/replace/this/with/the/path/to/gurobi"
julia> import Pkg;"Gurobi")
The Gurobi library (gurobiXXX.dll
on Windows,
on Unix, and gurobiXXX.dylib
in OSX where XXX
is a version) will be searched for in GUROBI_HOME/lib
on unix platforms and GUROBI_HOME\bin
on Windows.
We highly recommend that you use the Gurobi.jl package with higher level packages such as JuMP.jl or MathProgBase.jl.
This can be done using the GurobiSolver
object. Here is how to create a JuMP model that uses Gurobi as the solver. Parameters are passed as keyword arguments:
using JuMP, Gurobi
model = Model(with_optimizer(Gurobi.Optimizer, Presolve=0))
Most users should not need to use the low-level API detailed in the following sections.
This package provides both APIs at different levels for constructing models and solving optimization problems.
A Gurobi model is always associated with an Gurobi environment, which maintains a solver configuration. By setting parameters to this environment, one can control or tune the behavior of a Gurobi solver.
To construct a Gurobi Environment, one can write:
env = Gurobi.Env()
This package provides functions to get and set parameters:
getparam(env, name) # get the value of a parameter
setparam!(env, name, v) # set the value of a parameter
setparams!(env, name1=value1, name2=value2, ...) # set parameters using keyword arguments
You may refer to Gurobi's Parameter Reference for the whole list of parameters.
Here are some simple examples
setparam!(env, "Method", 2) # choose to use Barrier method
setparams!(env; IterationLimit=100, Method=1) # set the maximum iterations and choose to use Simplex method
These parameters may be used directly with the GurobiSolver
object used by MathProgBase. For example:
solver = GurobiSolver(Method=2)
solver = GurobiSolver(Method=1, IterationLimit=100.)
If the objective coefficients and the constraints have already been given, one may use a high-level function gurobi_model
to construct a model:
gurobi_model(env, ...)
One can use keyword arguments to specify the models:
: the model name.sense
: the sense of optimization (a symbol, which can be either:minimize
(default) or:maximize
: the linear coefficient vector.H
: the quadratic coefficient matrix (can be dense or sparse).A
: the coefficient matrix of the linear inequality constraints.b
: the right-hand-side of the linear inequality constraints.Aeq
: the coefficient matrix of the equality constraints.beq
: the right-hand-side of the equality
: the variable lower bounds.ub
: the variable upper bounds.
This function constructs a model that represents the following problem:
objective: (1/2) x' H x + f' x
s.t. A x <= b
Aeq x = beq
lb <= x <= ub
The caller must specify f
using a non-empty vector, while other keyword arguments are optional. When H
is omitted, this reduces to an LP problem. When lb
is omitted, the variables are not lower bounded, and when ub
is omitted, the variables are not upper bounded.
This package also provides functions to build the model from scratch and gradually add variables and constraints. To construct an empty model, one can write:
env = Gurobi.Env() # creates a Gurobi environment
model = Gurobi.Model(env, name) # creates an empty model
model = Gurobi.Model(env, name, sense)
Here, sense
is a symbol, which can be either :minimize
or :maximize
(default to :minimize
when omitted).
Then, the following functions can be used to add variables and constraints to the model:
## add variables
add_var!(model, vtype, c) # add an variable with coefficient c
# vtype can be either of
# - GRB_CONTINUOUS (for continuous variable)
# - GRB_INTEGER (for integer variable)
# - GRB_BINARY (for binary variable, i.e. 0/1)
add_cvar!(model, c) # add a continuous variable
add_cvar!(model, c, lb, ub) # add a continuous variable with specified bounds
add_ivar!(model, c) # add an integer variable
add_ivar!(model, c, lb, ub) # add an integer variable with specified bounds
add_bvar!(model, c) # add a binary variable
## add constraints
# add a constraint with non-zero coefficients on specific variables.
# rel can be '<', '>', or '='
add_constr!(model, inds, coeffs, rel, rhs)
# add a constraint with coefficient vector for all variables.
add_constr!(model, coeffs, rel, rhs)
# add constraints using CSR format
add_constrs!(model, cbegin, inds, coeffs, rel, rhs)
# add constraints using a matrix: A x (rel) rhs
add_constrs!(model, A, rel, rhs) # here A can be dense or sparse
# add constraints using a transposed matrix: At' x (rel) rhs
# this is usually more efficient than add_constrs!
add_constrs_t!(model, At, rel, rhs) # here At can be dense or sparse
# add a range constraint
add_rangeconstr!(model, inds, coeffs, lb, ub)
# add range constraints using CSR format
add_rangeconstrs!(model, cbegin, inds, coeffs, lb, ub)
# add range constraints using a matrix: lb <= A x <= ub
add_rangeconstrs!(model, A, lb, ub) # here A can be dense or sparse
# add range constraints using a transposed matrix: lb <= At' x <= ub
# this is usually more efficient than add_rangeconstrs!
add_rangeconstrs_t!(model, At, lb, ub) # here At can be dense or sparse
It is not uncommon in practice that one would like to adjust the objective coefficients and solve the problem again. This package provides a function set_objcoeffs!
for this purpose:
set_objcoeffs!(model, new_coeffs)
# ... one can also call add_constr! and friends to add additional constraints ...
update_model!(model) # changes take effect after this
The usage of this package is straight forward. Below, we use several examples to demonstrate the use of this package to solve optimization problems.
Problem formulation:
maximize x + y
s.t. 50 x + 24 y <= 2400
30 x + 33 y <= 2100
x >= 45, y >= 5
Below, we show how this problem can be constructed and solved in different ways.
Using the gurobi_model
using Gurobi
env = Gurobi.Env()
# set presolve to 0
setparam!(env, "Presolve", 0)
# construct the model
model = gurobi_model(env;
name = "lp_01",
f = ones(2),
A = [50. 24.; 30. 33.],
b = [2400., 2100.],
lb = [5., 45.])
# run optimization
# show results
sol = get_solution(model)
println("soln = $(sol)")
objv = get_objval(model)
println("objv = $(objv)")
using Gurobi
env = Gurobi.Env()
# set presolve to 0
setparam!(env, "Presolve", 0)
# creates an empty model ("lp_01" is the model name)
model = Gurobi.Model(env, "lp_01", :maximize)
# add variables
# add_cvar!(model, obj_coef, lower_bound, upper_bound)
add_cvar!(model, 1.0, 45., Inf) # x: x >= 45
add_cvar!(model, 1.0, 5., Inf) # y: y >= 5
# For Gurobi, you have to call update_model to have the
# lastest changes take effect
# add constraints
# add_constr!(model, coefs, sense, rhs)
add_constr!(model, [50., 24.], '<', 2400.) # 50 x + 24 y <= 2400
add_constr!(model, [30., 33.], '<', 2100.) # 30 x + 33 y <= 2100
# perform optimization
You may also add variables and constraints in batch, as:
# add mutliple variables in batch
add_cvars!(model, [1., 1.], [45., 5.], Inf)
# add multiple constraints in batch
A = [50. 24.; 30. 33.]
b = [2400., 2100.]
add_constrs!(model, A, '<', b)
You may also specify and solve the entire problem in one function call, using the solver-independent MathProgBase package.
Julia code:
using MathProgBase, Gurobi
f = [1., 1.]
A = [50. 24.; 30. 33.]
b = [2400., 2100.]
lb = [5., 45.]
# pass params as keyword arguments to GurobiSolver
solution = linprog(f, A, '<', b, lb, Inf, GurobiSolver(Presolve=0))
Using JuMP, we can specify linear programming problems using a more natural algebraic approach.
using JuMP, Gurobi
# pass params as keyword arguments to GurobiSolver
model = Model(with_optimizer(Gurobi.Optimizer, Presolve=0))
@variable(model, x >= 5)
@variable(model, y >= 45)
@objective(model, Min, x + y)
@constraint(model, 50x + 24y <= 2400)
@constraint(model, 30x + 33y <= 2100)
println("Optimal objective: ", objective_value(model),
". x = ", value(x), " y = ", value(y))
Problem formulation:
minimize x^2 + xy + y^2 + yz + z^2
s.t. x + 2 y + 3 z >= 4
x + y >= 1
using the function gurobi_model
using Gurobi
env = Gurobi.Env()
model = gurobi_model(env;
name = "qp_01",
H = [2. 1. 0.; 1. 2. 1.; 0. 1. 2.],
f = [0., 0., 0.],
A = -[1. 2. 3.; 1. 1. 0.],
b = -[4., 1.])
using Gurobi
env = Gurobi.Env()
model = Gurobi.Model(env, "qp_01")
add_cvars!(model, [1., 1.], 0., Inf)
# add quadratic terms: x^2, x * y, y^2
# add_qpterms!(model, rowinds, colinds, coeffs)
add_qpterms!(model, [1, 1, 2], [1, 2, 2], [1., 1., 1.])
# add linear constraints
add_constr!(model, [1., 2., 3.], '>', 4.)
add_constr!(model, [1., 1., 0.], '>', 1.)
This package also supports mixed integer programming.
Problem formulation:
maximize x + 2 y + 5 z
s.t. x + y + z <= 10
x + 2 y + z <= 15
x is continuous: 0 <= x <= 5
y is integer: 0 <= y <= 10
z is binary
Julia code:
using Gurobi
env = Gurobi.Env()
model = Gurobi.Model(env, "mip_01", :maximize)
# add continuous variable
add_cvar!(model, 1., 0., 5.) # x
# add integer variable
add_ivar!(model, 2., 0, 10) # y
# add binary variable
add_bvar!(model, 5.) # z
# have the variables incorporated into the model
add_constr!(model, ones(3), '<', 10.)
add_constr!(model, [1., 2., 1.], '<', 15.)
Note that you can use add_ivars!
and add_bvars!
to add multiple integer or binary variables in batch.
using JuMP, Gurobi
model = Model(with_optimizer(Gurobi.Optimizer))
@variables(model, begin
0 <= x <= 5
0 <= y <= 10, Int
z, Bin
@objective(model, Max, x + 2y + 5z)
@constraint(model, x + y + z <= 10)
@constraint(model, x + 2y + z <= 15)
The add_qconstr!
function may be used to add quadratic constraints to a model.
Problem formulation:
maximize x + y
s.t. x, y >= 0
x^2 + y^2 <= 1
Julia code:
using Gurobi
env = Gurobi.Env()
model = Gurobi.Model(env, "qcqp_01", :maximize)
add_cvars!(model, [1., 1.], 0., Inf)
# add_qpconstr!(model, linearindices, linearcoeffs, qrowinds, qcolinds, qcoeffs, sense, rhs)
add_qconstr!(model, [], [], [1, 2], [1, 2], [1, 1.], '<', 1.0)
SOCP constraints of the form x'x <= y^2
and x'x <= yz
can be added using this method as well.
When using this package via other packages such as MathProgBase.jl and JuMP.jl, the default behavior is to obtain a new Gurobi license token every time a model is created and solved. If you are using Gurobi in a setting where the number of concurrent Gurobi uses is limited (e.g. "Single-Use" or "Floating-Use" licenses), you might instead prefer to obtain a single license token that is shared by all models that your program solves. You can do this by passing a Gurobi Environment object as the first parameter to GurobiSolver
. For example, the follow code snippet solves multiple problems with JuMP using the same license token:
using JuMP, Gurobi
env = Gurobi.Env()
model1 = Model(with_optimizer(Gurobi.Optimizer, env))
# The solvers can have different options too
model2 = Model(with_optimizer(Gurobi.Optimizer, env, OutputFlag=0))