A model capable of predicting movies genre's developed by students for the Natural Language Processing (NLP) subject lectured at Instituto Superior Técnico (IST).
- Implementation of the K-Nearest Neighbours (KNN) classifier. -
- Implementation of Support Vector Machine (SVM) classifier. -
- Dataset pre-processing. -
- Print predicted genre's to a text file. -
- Main program to run the KNN and SVM models. -
- Main program to run the Bidirecional Encoder Representations from Transformers (BERT) model, which was the best model tested and the one submitted.
The file report.pdf
gives a more in depth description of the work done.
Extra tests that are mentioned in the report but which output images did not make into the report are available here.
António Jotta - 99893,
António Morais - 102643
Rúben Nobre - 99321