Smart Home Android application built with Kotlin for ESP8266 relay controllers with ESPEasy firmware.
Download on PlayStore: []
Devices: Sonoff Basic []
Firmwares tried with:
- ESPEasy build no.R120 []
- Mega 20201227 []
- Mega 20181130 []
Flashing Sonoff Basic tutorials:
1. [],
2. []
HTTP Commands:
Relay on -> GET [IP]/control?cmd=GPIO,[GPIO],1
Relay off -> GET [IP]/control?cmd=GPIO,[GPIO],0
Relay status -> GET [IP]/control?cmd=status,gpio,[GPIO]
Pulse -> GET [IP]/control?cmd=Pulse,[GPIO],[state],[duration]
LongPulse -> GET [IP]/control?cmd=LongPulse,[GPIO],[state],[duration]
LongPulse_mS -> GET [IP]/control?cmd=Pulse,[GPIO],[state],[duration]