Coses is a Spring Boot application built for managing tasks effectively. It offers a REST API and leverages various technologies for robustness, scalability, and easy testing.
- CRUD operations : Create, Read, Update, and Delete tasks
- Task status management : Update task status independently
- Comprehensive documentation : Swagger UI and OpenAPI spec for clear API usage
- Modular and containerized : Docker & Docker Compose for easy deployment and scaling
- Modern technologies : Spring Boot, JPA, PostgreSQL, and more for performance and maintainability
- Spring Boot : Build foundation for web application and REST API
- Spring Boot JPA : Simplify data persistence with JPA and relational databases
- Spring Web : Handle web functionalities and requests
- PostgreSQL : Secure and reliable relational database for data storage
- Docker : Containerize the application for portability and isolation
- Docker Compose : Manage multi-container deployments seamlessly
- Flyway : Automate database migrations for smooth updates
- Testcontainers : Utilize Docker containers for realistic integration tests
- JUnit : Unit testing framework for code coverage and quality assurance
- MockK : Flexible mocking framework for unit test isolation
- Gradle : Manage build automation and dependencies efficiently
- Swagger : Generate interactive API documentation for developers
The API provides the following endpoints for managing tasks
GET | /api/v1/tasks/{id} | Get a specific task by its ID |
GET | /api/v1/tasks | Retrieve all tasks |
POST | /api/v1/tasks | Create a new task |
PUT | /api/v1/tasks/{id} | Update task information |
PUT | /api/v1/tasks/{id}/status | Update task status only |
DELETE | /api/v1/tasks/{id} | Delete a specific task |
- Ensure you have Docker and Docker Compose installed.
- Clone this repository and run
- Access Swagger UI for API documentation at http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui/index.html.
Detailed API documentation, including request and response formats, is available
in ./build/openapi.json
. Generate it using ./gradlew clean generateOpenApiDocs
Run unit tests with ./gradlew test
Replace the PostgreSQL configuration in docker-compose.yml for other supported
Adjust application settings in src/main/resources/
as needed.