A parallelized NISE algorithm applied toward biobjective shortest path analysis on raster grids used in Medrano & Church (2015) and in Medrano (2021). Serial NISE was originally published in Cohon et al. (1979)
Contains both a graphical implementation using Processing, and a non-graphical but faster implementation in Java. Data is included in both.
Processing: last tested with v3.5.4
Java SDK: last tested with Java SE 8 Update 66
update contributions are welcome
In the Processing IDE, simply click the "Run" button. All parameters such as which map data to use, R, OD pair, color, and parallelism can be modified in code.
The Java version takes 3 arguments in order: R OD parallelism
All other parameters such as which map data to use can be modified in code.
- Medrano, F.A., & Church, R.L. (2015). A Parallel Computing Framework for Finding the Supported Solutions to a Biobjective Network Optimization Problem. Journal of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis, 22(5-6), pp. 244-259. https://doi.org/10.1002/mcda.1541
- Medrano F.A. (2021). Effects of raster terrain representation on GIS shortest path analysis. PLoS ONE, 16(4) : e0250106. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0250106
- Cohon, J.L., Church, R.L., & Sheer, D.P. (1979). Generating multiobjective trade-offs: an algorithm for bicriterion problems. Water Resources Research, 15(5), pp. 1001-1010. https://doi.org/10.1029/WR015i005p01001