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 · Intelligent traffic lights
 Documentation about MiXiM 
	 - Purpose and History
	 - Copyright
	 - Authors and Maintainers
	 - Installation
	 - Documentation
	 - Release notes

Intelligent traffic lights

Wireless sensor network of Intelligent traffic lights simulated in MiXiM framework 
on OMNeT++ engine. 

Main developers in the project at the moment:
	Victor Casas
	Maria de la Fuente
	Antonio Molina

Purpose and History
MiXiM (mixed simulator) is a simulator for wireless and mobile networks using 
the OMNeT++ simulation engine.
MiXiM is available at

MiXiM is a simulation framework for the OMNeT++ simulation engine to support 
modeling and simulation of wireless and mobile networks.

The initial MiXiM version has been a merger of the following 4 simulation 
- ChSim
  (c) by Universitaet Paderborn
- Mac Simulator
  (c) by Technische Universiteit Delft
- Mobility Framework
  (c) by Technische Universitaet Berlin, Telecommunication Networks Group
- Positif Framework
  (c) by Technische Universiteit Delft

Meanwhile many other models and projects have been integrated into MiXiM, the 
most important being:

- EnergyFramework (since MiXiM v1.1)
  (c) Swedish Institute of Computer Science (SICS)
  written by Laura Marie Feeney (
- CSMA module (since MiXiM v1.2)
  (c) by Jerome Rousselot (
- IEEE 802.15.4 and IEEE 802.15.4A modules (since MiXiM v1.2)
  (c) by Jerome Rousselot (
- B-MAC layer (since MiXiM v2.1)
  (c) by Anna Foerster (
- L-MAC layer (since MiXiM v2.1)
  (c) by Anna Foerster (
  and ported to MiXiM by Theodoros Kapourniotis (
- MoBAN - Mobility Model for Body Area Networks (since MiXiM v2.1)
  (c) by Majid Nabi (
- Flooding network layer (since MiXiM v2.1)
  (c) by Daniel Willkomm (
  and ported to MiXiM by Theodoros Kapourniotis (
- WiseRoute network layer (since MiXiM v2.1)
  (c) by Damien Piguet, Jerome Rousselot (
  and ported to MiXiM by Theodoros Kapourniotis (
- ProbabilityBroadcast network layer modules (since MiXiM v2.1)
  (c) by Jerome Rousselot (
- Analogue Models: BreakpointPathlossModel and PERModel (since MiXiM v2.1)
  (c) by Jerome Rousselot (

MiXiM further includes the "Mixnet" (since MiXiM v2.0) project which provides 
compatibility modules and documentation for using MiXiM together with the INET 
For details on Mixnet and INET please take a look at the README file in MiXiM's 
"inet" folder.

Copyright (C) 2007
- Technische Universitaet Berlin (TUB), Germany
  Telecommunication Networks Group
- Technische Universiteit Delft (TUD), Netherlands
- Universitaet Paderborn (UPB), Germany

    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
    Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA

    The TUB, TUD, and UPB do not provide any warranty for MiXiM --
    you did not pay for it! Further details can be found in the file

    As a good practice, you should acknowledge the work done in MiXiM
    just as you do if you cite a scientific work.

Authors and Maintainers
The main authors of MiXiM are (in alphabetic order)
- Andreas Koepke, TUB (
- Hermann S. Lichte, UPB (
- Tom Parker, TUD (
- Jerome Rousselot, CSEM SA (
- Michael Swigulski, TUB (
- Stefan Valentin, UPB (
- Otto Visser, TUD (
- Karl Wessel, TUB (
- Daniel Willkomm, TUB (

From 2007 (MiXiM v0.1) until 2011 (MiXiM v2.1) MiXiM has been officially 
maintained and developed by the Telecommunication Networks Group of the 
Technische Universitaet Berlin (TUB), in particular by
- Michael Swigulski, TUB (
- Karl Wessel, TUB (
- Daniel Willkomm, TUB (

From 2011 (MiXiM v2.1) until 2012 (MiXiM v2.2 and INET integration) MiXiM 
has been officially maintained by the Fraunhofer-Institute for Integrated 
Circuits, Design Automation Division Dresden of the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft,
in particular by
- Michael Lindig, Fraunhofer-IIS/EAS (

There have been many contributors adding code, bug reports and bug-fixes to 
MiXiM. Specifically we would like to mention:
- Laura Marie Feeney     
- Anna Foerster           
- Theodoros Kapourniotis 
- Michael Lindig
- Majid Nabi             
- Jerome Rousselot       

For installation instructions please see the INSTALL file

How to start
A step-by-step guide on how to start with MiXiM can be found in MiXiM's wiki at:

MiXiM contains wizards for the project-creation-wizard in the OMNeT++ IDE.
These are:
* a wizard to create a basic MiXiM-network by configuring the hosts from
predefines application layers, NIC protocols and mobility modules as well as 
choosing the playground topology.
* a wizard to create a simple MiXiM-network. The hosts contain an analogue model
which can be basically configured in the wizard. This network is useful to 
implement and test a new analogue model.

To create a new project using MiXiM's wizards please go to:
"File -> New -> OMNeT++ Project...", name your project, and in the next step
select the wizard to be used. It will present the configuration options
during the next step(s). When the creation process has finished, the new 
MiXiM-network is ready to be built and run.

All documentation can be found in the doc directory. If you still have questions 
after reading these, check out the website at 

To send any kind of feedback, bug reports, feature requests etc. please use the 
OMNeT++ mailing list
You have to subscribe to it first,
see for details.

Release Notes

See following site for notes on what changed with each release (beginning 
with 1.2):


No description, website, or topics provided.







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