Chip8 Disassembler Disassembles Chip8 binaries. Meant to be directly consumed by another project.
Creates target chip8::disasm
Building examples and tests:
mkdir build
cd build
#Run example
examples/parse_to_ast ../roms/all_instructions.ch8
#Run GTest suite
> parse_to_ast "Chip8 Picture.ch8"
00E0: CLS | clear_screen()
A248: ISETI | I = 0x248
6000: SETI | V0 = 000
611E: SETI | V1 = 0xe
6200: SETI | V2 = 000
D202: DRAW | draw(V2, V0, 0x2)
D212: DRAW | draw(V2, V1, 0x2)
7208: ADDI | V2 += 0x208
3240: SKEI | if (V2 == 0x240)
120A: JUMPI | goto 0x20a
6000: SETI | V0 = 000
613E: SETI | V1 = 0xe
6202: SETI | V2 = 0x2
A24A: ISETI | I = 0x24a
D02E: DRAW | draw(V0, V2, 0xe)
D12E: DRAW | draw(V1, V2, 0xe)
720E: ADDI | V2 += 0x20e
D02E: DRAW | draw(V0, V2, 0xe)
D12E: DRAW | draw(V1, V2, 0xe)
A258: ISETI | I = 0x258
600B: SETI | V0 = 0xb
6108: SETI | V1 = 0x8
D01F: DRAW | draw(V0, V1, 0xf)
700A: ADDI | V0 += 0x00a
A267: ISETI | I = 0x267
D01F: DRAW | draw(V0, V1, 0xf)
700A: ADDI | V0 += 0x00a
A276: ISETI | I = 0x276
D01F: DRAW | draw(V0, V1, 0xf)
7003: ADDI | V0 += 0x003
A285: ISETI | I = 0x285
D01F: DRAW | draw(V0, V1, 0xf)
700A: ADDI | V0 += 0x00a
A294: ISETI | I = 0x294
D01F: DRAW | draw(V0, V1, 0xf)
1246: JUMPI | goto 0x246