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antwar-reason (WIP)

A port of the antwar site generator in Reason.

Basic Concepts

This antwar version drives for a very simple data structure, which is fed into a Compiler to build Bundles (prev. Interactive Components) and Pages (static pages).

Example for a configuration (extracted from our example site/

let config = [
  Bundle({id: "navigation", entry: "./site/"}),
  Page({urlPath: [], component: Pages.index}),
  Page({urlPath: ["about"], component: Pages.about}),

The compiler is representing a very simplistic transformation pipeline for Components. It's not really coupled to any concrete Component model, so you can use the Compiler functor to inject your own Component type:

module ReactCompiler = {
  module Component = {
    type t = ReasonReact.reactElement;

  include Compiler.Make(Component, Filesystem.Node);

  module Transform = {
    let template = (~index as _, compileUnit: CompileUnit.t) => "";

  let processComponent = (comp: Component.t) =>

For our use-case, we want to have a Compiler which is capable of transforming React components, so we inject ReasonReact.reactElement as the Component.t type. The compiler now includes following interesting interfaces:

  • ReactCompiler.compileAll
  • ReactCompiler.compileBundle
  • ReactCompiler.compilePage

The compileAll function is the entry point for computing a configuration, the other two functions do the low level work. The whole compiler is full of side-effects, since it does a lot of IO (writing files etc.). It is also planned that the compiler will yield transformation functions for wrapping / modifying passed in components.

The whole philosophy of this project is to have very powerful minimal building blocks and compose everything together to a very sophisticated site generator. We only do very basic concrete constructs to set the frame, everything else should be built on interfaces, one of them being a Component.

Another goal of this project is to be able to build ReasonReact apps without too much JS infrastructure. So most of the JS tooling will be used via child_processes for now, until we rebuilt essential tooling in OCaml as well.


The development happens hand in hand building an actual project located in the site directory. The file site/ is the entrypoint of the static site generator.

For development, run npm install to install all dependencies and npm run build to build all Reason modules.

You can watch and rebuild all Reason files with npm run watch.

After the build, run node site/ to run the generator.


A static site generator with Reason






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