File | % Lines | % Statements | % Branches | % Funcs |
script/Deploy.s.sol |
0.00% (0/8) | 0.00% (0/9) | 100.00% (0/0) | 0.00% (0/2) |
src/RebaseToken.sol |
94.55% (52/55) | 94.44% (51/54) | 57.14% (4/7) | 100.00% (13/13) |
src/RebaseTokenPool.sol |
100.00% (12/12) | 100.00% (12/12) | 100.00% (0/0) | 100.00% (2/2) |
src/Vault.sol |
70.00% (14/20) | 70.59% (12/17) | 0.00% (0/4) | 80.00% (4/5) |
Total | 82.11% (78/95) | 81.52% (75/92) | 36.36% (4/11) | 86.36% (19/22) |
Note: To understand complete flow of protocol and bridging of tokens refer test_BridgeToken() function in test/CrossChain.t.sol file!!!
- An DeFi protocol for Rebase token system
- User can deposit ETH to mint/borrow rebase token(RBT) and redeem ETH for tokens
- User will gain a increase of 0.5% per sec of balance as accrued interest rate!!!
- User can bridge RebaseTokens(RBT) from Eth-sepolia to base-sepolia and vice-versa
-> 1e18userBalance_AfterBridging__EthSepolia
-> 0userBalance_BeforeBridging__BaseSepolia
-> 0userBalance_BeforeBridging__Sepolia
-> 1e18
RebaseToken Contract
- An ERC20 compatible contract
- Protocol will interact with this contract!!!
- Grant the mint and burn role to Vault and Pool contract
- Contain mint,burn and grantMintAndBurnRole functions
Vault Contract:
- User will interact with contract
- User can depositCollateral and borrow rebase token(RBT)
- User can redeemCollateral for tokens
- Contains deposit and Redeem collateral function
RebaseTokenPool Contract:
- Protocol will interact with this contract!!!
- Protocol will handle the burn and mint mechanism during bridging
- Contains lockOrBurn and unlockOrMint function
Bridging tokens cross-chain:
- Will use
to handle the tokens bridging cross-chain - Refer test_BridgeToken function in CrossChain.t.sol file
- Will use
will specifically look for bridging tokens cross-chain- We will bridge rebase token from eth-sepolia to base-sepolia
- will follow the below flow for bridging:
Deploy Rebase Tokens:
RebaseToken Contract
is ERC20 compatible contract- Deploy rebase token on eth-sepolia and base-sepolia
- Contains mint,burn,grantMintAndBurnRole function
Deploying Token Pools:
- Deploy
RebaseTokenPool contract
on both eth-sepolia and base-sepolia chain - These pools are essential for minting and burning tokens during cross-chain bridging.
- Each token will be linked to a pool, which will manage token transfers
- Contains lockOrBurn and UnlockOrMint function
- Deploy
Deploy Vault contract:
- Deploy vault contract
- Contains depositCollateral,redeemCollateral functions
Claiming Mint and Burn Roles:
- Grant mint and burn role to
Vault and Pool contract
- Grant mint and burn role to
Claiming and Accepting the Admin Role:
registerAdminViaOwner function
to register our EOA as the token admin and register our token onCCIP
acceptAdminRole function
to complete the registration process.
Linking Tokens to Pools:
setPool function
to associate each token with its respective token pool.
Configuring Token Pools:
applyChainUpdates function
on your token pools to configure each pool by setting cross-chain transfer parameters to enable chain
Deploy token on vault:
- On Vault contract -> call depositCollateral to borrow rebase token
- This will be done before bridging.
- We will bridge the rebase token from eth-sepolia to base-sepolia
Transferring/Bridging Tokens:
- Will use
EVM2AnyMessage(), getFee(), ccipSend() function
to bridge token cross-chain CCIP
will take care of bridging token
- Will use
Rebase tokens are type of cryptocurrency that have a changing circulating supply, either growing larger (more coins being created/minted) or decreasing (coins get destroyed or 'burnt'), usually to maintain a stable price or achieve a specific target price.
Traditional tokens:
- This have a fixed supply set at the creation of the token. The price of these tokens is determined purely by
market demand and supply dynamics
- This have a fixed supply set at the creation of the token. The price of these tokens is determined purely by
Rebase tokens:
- This are type of crypto-currency. Also called as Elastic token.
- have a changing circulating supply
- either growing larger (more coins being created/minted)
- Or, decreasing (coins get destroyed or 'burnt')
- can
increase or decrease their supply
Target Price & Supply Adjustment:
- designed to maintain a
target price
(e.g., $1 per token). - If the price goes above the target,
the supply increases
(minting). - If the price drops below the target,
the supply decreases
- designed to maintain a
Rebasing Mechanism:
- At fixed time interval, protocol will check the token price
- Contract automatically adjusts the total supply of the token depending on the token market price!!!
- If a rebase reduces supply ->
Users balance decreases
- If a rebase increases supply ->
Users balance increases
- but their share of the total supply remains the same
Positive Rebasing:
- When the price of token is high relative to its target (say, $1.00)
- the protocol automatically increases the supply, distributing more token to all holders proportionally!!!
which theoretically should lower the price
Negative Rebasing:
- if the price of token falls below the dollar mark($1)
- Protocol reducing the number of tokens in each holder's wallet
attempting to increase the price per token
Example rebase tokens:
- Ampleforth (AMPL)
- Yam Finance (YAM)
- Base Protocol (BASE)
- Olympus DAO (OHM)
- A protocol that enables the
transfer of tokens/NFTs and information between different blockchain networks
. - A
blockchain bridge
allows assets, data, or smart contract instructions to move betweendifferent blockchain networks.
- Bridging enables DApps and DeFi protocol work on different blockchain network.
- You have ETH on Ethereum but want to use it on Polygon.
- A bridge helps you move ETH from Ethereum to Polygon by
locking ETH
on one chain andminting wrapped ETH
on the other.
The main concept we can consider in bridging is:
assets on source chain using contract and thenminting their wrapped version
on destination chain!!!
Transfering data or tokens are done with contract:
- Source chain and Destination Chain contracts
Burn and Mint bridging:
- Tokens are burned on the source blockchain
- an equivalent amount of tokens are minted on the destination blockchain.
- total supply of token remain constant
Lock and Mint Bridging:
- tokens are locked on the source/issuing blockchain
- And,
wrapped version
of this tokens is minted in destination chain!!! - This wrapped version can be transferred across other non-issuing blockchains using the Burn and Mint mechanism.
Burn and Unlock Bridging:
- Tokens are burned on the source blockchain (which is the non-issuing blockchain)
- an equivalent amount of tokens are released on the destination blockchain
- applies when you send tokens back to their issuing source blockchain
Lock and Unlock Bridging:
- Tokens are locked on the source blockchain
- an equivalent amount of tokens are released on the destination blockchain
- This method is not recommended because, it can result in fragmented liquidity
- A
Cross-Chain Token Standard
is a set of rules that ensures tokens can move between different blockchains safely and efficiently by leveraging the chainlink CCIP for security Cross-chain token standards
are just set of rules and instructions that should be followed during transferring tokens cross chain.
Example: A stablecoin that seamlessly moves between Ethereum and Polygon.
- Ensures all tokens moving across chains follow the same secure protocol.
CCT standard
provides different mechanism for transferring tokens likeburn/mint, lock/unlock
Chainlink CCIP
is a system/process that allows smart contracts totransfer data/assets/tokens
cross-chainCCIP is the bridge
that connects separate blockchains, allowing them to exchange information securely and efficiently.- It uses
defense-in-depth security
for transfering data/assets cross chain CCIP
uses Decentralized Oracle network(DON) and Risk management network(RMN) to check security and transparency for transfering data- CCIP also inclide
rate limits
for transferring data/assets for security.
Note: CCIP is performing blockchain bridging in more secure and efficient way as compare to traditional blockchain bridging!!!
- Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, and Solana cannot directly exchange tokens or data.
- Traditional blockchain bridges are more
and need trust on third parties. - Smart contracts are locked to their chain and cannot access data from other chains.
CCIP solves this by providing a universal, decentralized, and secure way for blockchains to interact with each other
Arbitrary Messaging
- is the ability to
send arbitrary data (encoded as bytes)
to a receiving smart contract on a different blockchain. - Send msg from one contract on one chain to other contract on diff chain
- is the ability to
Token Transfer:
- You can transfer tokens to a smart contract or directly to an metamask wallet(EOA) on a different blockchain.
Programmable Token Transfer:
- simultaneously
transfer tokens and arbitrary data (encoded as bytes)
within a single transaction - Data can be instructions on what to do with those tokens.
- simultaneously
- These pool contract are essential for minting and burning tokens during cross-chain transfers.
- Each token will be linked to a pool ,which will manage token transfers and ensure proper handling of assets across chains.
- Pool contract will be granted access for minting and burning during cross-chain transfers.
- Will follow
burnAndMint mechanism
where- burn tokens -> source chain
- mint token -> destination chain
Cross-Chain Token (CCT) standard
CCIP Conceptual Overview
What is Rebase token?
An complete overview of working of our DeFi protocol for token transfer cross-chain:
Local testing of tokens Bridging and Pool contract: