Set of docker images and some sample docker-compose files for Odoo.
Directories layout:
├── base : Base image for Odoo, OCB and OpenUpgrade
├── ocb-oca : docker image for **OCB + OCA modules**
├── openupgrade-oca : docker image for **OpenUpgrade + OCA modules**
├── odoo-ee : docker image for **Odoo EE**
By default during the rebuild, the previous images are used. If you want to trigger a full rebuild of the base Debian image, the Odoo code and modules code, you just have to update the LASTBUILD variable in the Dockerfile of the debian base image
First checkout this repository:
git clone
cd odoo-docker
Choose the version you want:
git checkout 12.0
Read the help of the available commands
make help
Build the base Odoo image:
cd odoo
make build
Either build the image with additional OCA modules:
cd odoo-oca
make build
Or build the image with only Enterprise Edition:
cd odoo-ee
make build
make init
make run
Then open on a browser on your local machine:
firefox http://localhost:8069
make stop
make destroy
docker cp backup.dump odoo_db_1:/tmp/
docker-compose exec --user db postgresql pg_restore --role odoo -O -Fc -d odoo /tmp/<dumpfile>
docker-compose exec postgresql rm /tmp/<dumpfile>
docker-compose run --rm odoo -u all --stop-after-init
docker-compose exec --user db postgresql psql odoo -c "update res_users set password='admin' where login='admin';"