Copy colors/kuroi.vim to:
or alternatively, use a plugin manger such as vim-plug, NeoBundle, Vundle, or Pathogen.
Terminal color modes:
The colorscheme works in both true color mode and 256-color mode.
To use the true color mode, make sure to set this in your ~/.vimrc:
set termguicolors
This works in both true color terminals and GUI Vim clients such as GVim or MacVim.
Tip: for some reason, Vim with termguicolors set inside Tmux might have a different background color (a little off) than the original background color. To work around this issue, please make sure you have this
set -g terminal-overrides ",xterm-256color:Tc"
in your tmux.conf file.To use the colorscheme in a 256-color terminal, add this to your ~/.vimrc:
set t_Co=256
Add to ~/.vimrc:
set background=dark colorscheme kuroi
Background color can be configured:
let g:kuroi_background_color = "#1b1918"
Function name highlight color can be configured:
let g:kuroi_function_color = "#acbac9"
- The colorscheme has a special group to highlight Vim
window calledInfoPopup
. To use the group, add the following to.vimrc
:set completeopt=menu,menuone,popup "enable popup window set completepopup=highlight:InfoPopup,border:off "configure the highlight group
This colorscheme is originally based on vim-hybrid. I only changed the color palette and some other properties.
Contributions are welcome. If you find something you want to change, open an issue or send a pull request.