Module to spell check your js files. lintspelljs checks inside your comments, strings, and on each part of the identifiers splitting up the subwords on a camelCased or snake_cased string.
The package is not published yet to npm but there is a plan to do so. To insall you should clone this repo and then npm install it directly from the folder.
npm install lintspelljs
lintspelljs works from the comm and line using a simple CLI interface
lintspelljs <filename>
Checking Spelling on: spellchecklint-cli.js
You have a mispelled Identifier JsSpellChecker mispelled: Js On Line: 4
You have a misspelled word on a String spellcheckvars On Line: 23
You have a misspelled word on a Comment spellcheckvars On Line: 24
lintspelljs could be used as a module to check js files. Check lintint ( for an example of usage.
var spellCheckerLib = require('lintspelljs');
var options = {
color: false
var spellChecker = new spellCheckerLib.JsSpellChecker(options);
var results = spellChecker.checkString('var variavle_fisrt = 1 + funktionKall(); // Tetsing');
Results will contain an Array of Objects with the following format:
type: <<String>>, // The type of the parsed string (one of 'identifier', 'string', 'comment')
message: <<String>>, // There are three possible messages
line: <<Integer>>, // The line number for the parsed string
word: <<String>>, // The word which is checked
misspelled: <<Boolean>> // The result of the spell check (true if the word is misspelled)
dicts: [{ // Path of dictionaries to use. Can be a string or an object like { aff: <<String>>, dic: <<String>> }
aff: 'dicts/en_US.aff',
dic: 'dicts/en_US.dic'
checkers: ['identifier', 'string', 'comment'], // locations where to check words
color: true, // If true, return colored and bold messages
hideSuccessful: true, // If true, return only the misspelled results
skipWords: [], // Additional words to ignore and do not mark as misspelled
minLength: 0 // Words with a length less than minLength won't be checked
lintspelljs uses mocha for testing and chai for assertions. You should have mocha installed globally to run tests.
npm install -g mocha
And to run the test you can use:
npm test
To spell check each string lintspelljs is using the hunspell-spellchecker. And for dictionaries the openoffice en_US files.