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Dry up TestScorerPerf (#13712)
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Some of the test methods were commented out when this test class was added. They got later removed
but the removal left unused method behind. I also adjusted visibility of all the internal methods
that were public and should have been private, which led me to further clean up: `MatchingHitCollector`
was not needed and can be removed.
  • Loading branch information
javanna committed Sep 5, 2024
1 parent 7d89ea7 commit 40c4e58
Showing 1 changed file with 24 additions and 181 deletions.
205 changes: 24 additions & 181 deletions lucene/core/src/test/org/apache/lucene/search/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
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import java.util.BitSet;
import java.util.Collection;
import org.apache.lucene.document.Document;
import org.apache.lucene.document.Field;
import org.apache.lucene.index.DirectoryReader;
import org.apache.lucene.index.IndexWriter;
import org.apache.lucene.index.IndexWriterConfig.OpenMode;
import org.apache.lucene.index.LeafReaderContext;
import org.apache.lucene.index.Term;
import org.apache.lucene.tests.analysis.MockAnalyzer;
import org.apache.lucene.tests.util.LuceneTestCase;
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public class TestScorerPerf extends LuceneTestCase {
private final boolean validate = true; // set to false when doing performance testing

public void createRandomTerms(int nDocs, int nTerms, double power, Directory dir)
throws Exception {
int[] freq = new int[nTerms];
Term[] terms = new Term[nTerms];
for (int i = 0; i < nTerms; i++) {
int f = (nTerms + 1) - i; // make first terms less frequent
freq[i] = (int) Math.ceil(Math.pow(f, power));
terms[i] = new Term("f", Character.toString((char) ('A' + i)));

IndexWriter iw =
new IndexWriter(
dir, newIndexWriterConfig(new MockAnalyzer(random())).setOpenMode(OpenMode.CREATE));
for (int i = 0; i < nDocs; i++) {
Document d = new Document();
for (int j = 0; j < nTerms; j++) {
if (random().nextInt(freq[j]) == 0) {
d.add(newStringField("f", terms[j].text(), Field.Store.NO));
// System.out.println(d);

public FixedBitSet randBitSet(int sz, int numBitsToSet) {
private static FixedBitSet randBitSet(int sz, int numBitsToSet) {
FixedBitSet set = new FixedBitSet(sz);
for (int i = 0; i < numBitsToSet; i++) {
return set;

public FixedBitSet[] randBitSets(int numSets, int setSize) {
private static FixedBitSet[] randBitSets(int numSets, int setSize) {
FixedBitSet[] sets = new FixedBitSet[numSets];
for (int i = 0; i < sets.length; i++) {
sets[i] = randBitSet(setSize, random().nextInt(setSize));
Expand All @@ -81,22 +50,13 @@ public FixedBitSet[] randBitSets(int numSets, int setSize) {
private static final class CountingHitCollectorManager
implements CollectorManager<CountingHitCollector, CountingHitCollector> {

private final boolean validate;
private final FixedBitSet result;

CountingHitCollectorManager(boolean validate, FixedBitSet result) {
this.validate = validate;
this.result = result;

public CountingHitCollector newCollector() {
return validate ? new MatchingHitCollector(result) : new CountingHitCollector();
return new CountingHitCollector();

public CountingHitCollector reduce(Collection<CountingHitCollector> collectors)
throws IOException {
public CountingHitCollector reduce(Collection<CountingHitCollector> collectors) {
CountingHitCollector result = new CountingHitCollector();
for (CountingHitCollector collector : collectors) {
result.count += collector.count;
Expand All @@ -106,7 +66,7 @@ public CountingHitCollector reduce(Collection<CountingHitCollector> collectors)

public static class CountingHitCollector extends SimpleCollector {
private static class CountingHitCollector extends SimpleCollector {
int count = 0;
int sum = 0;
protected int docBase = 0;
Expand All @@ -121,12 +81,8 @@ public int getCount() {
return count;

public int getSum() {
return sum;

protected void doSetNextReader(LeafReaderContext context) throws IOException {
protected void doSetNextReader(LeafReaderContext context) {
docBase = context.docBase;

Expand All @@ -136,24 +92,6 @@ public ScoreMode scoreMode() {

public static class MatchingHitCollector extends CountingHitCollector {
FixedBitSet answer;
int pos = -1;

public MatchingHitCollector(FixedBitSet answer) {
this.answer = answer;

public void collect(int doc, float score) {

pos = answer.nextSetBit(pos + 1);
if (pos != doc + docBase) {
throw new RuntimeException("Expected doc " + pos + " but got " + (doc + docBase));

private static class BitSetQuery extends Query {

private final FixedBitSet docs;
Expand All @@ -163,8 +101,7 @@ private static class BitSetQuery extends Query {

public Weight createWeight(IndexSearcher searcher, ScoreMode scoreMode, float boost)
throws IOException {
public Weight createWeight(IndexSearcher searcher, ScoreMode scoreMode, float boost) {
return new ConstantScoreWeight(this, boost) {
public Scorer scorer(LeafReaderContext context) throws IOException {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -198,20 +135,22 @@ public int hashCode() {

FixedBitSet addClause(FixedBitSet[] sets, BooleanQuery.Builder bq, FixedBitSet result) {
private FixedBitSet addClause(FixedBitSet[] sets, BooleanQuery.Builder bq, FixedBitSet result) {
final FixedBitSet rnd = sets[random().nextInt(sets.length)];
Query q = new BitSetQuery(rnd);
bq.add(q, BooleanClause.Occur.MUST);
if (validate) {
if (result == null) result = rnd.clone();
else result.and(rnd);
if (result == null) {
result = rnd.clone();
} else {
return result;

public int doConjunctions(IndexSearcher s, FixedBitSet[] sets, int iter, int maxClauses)
private void doConjunctions(IndexSearcher s, FixedBitSet[] sets, int iter, int maxClauses)
throws IOException {
int ret = 0;

for (int i = 0; i < iter; i++) {
int nClauses = random().nextInt(maxClauses - 1) + 2; // min 2 clauses
Expand All @@ -220,21 +159,17 @@ public int doConjunctions(IndexSearcher s, FixedBitSet[] sets, int iter, int max
for (int j = 0; j < nClauses; j++) {
result = addClause(sets, bq, result);
CountingHitCollector hc =, new CountingHitCollectorManager(validate, result));
ret += hc.getSum();
CountingHitCollector hc =, new CountingHitCollectorManager());

if (validate) assertEquals(result.cardinality(), hc.getCount());
// System.out.println(hc.getCount());
if (validate) {
assertEquals(result.cardinality(), hc.getCount());

return ret;

public int doNestedConjunctions(
private void doNestedConjunctions(
IndexSearcher s, FixedBitSet[] sets, int iter, int maxOuterClauses, int maxClauses)
throws IOException {
int ret = 0;
long nMatches = 0;

for (int i = 0; i < iter; i++) {
Expand All @@ -253,107 +188,15 @@ public int doNestedConjunctions(
oq.add(, BooleanClause.Occur.MUST);
} // outer

CountingHitCollector hc =, new CountingHitCollectorManager(validate, result));
CountingHitCollector hc =, new CountingHitCollectorManager());
nMatches += hc.getCount();
ret += hc.getSum();
if (validate) assertEquals(result.cardinality(), hc.getCount());
// System.out.println(hc.getCount());
if (VERBOSE) System.out.println("Average number of matches=" + (nMatches / iter));
return ret;

public int doTermConjunctions(
Term[] terms, IndexSearcher s, int termsInIndex, int maxClauses, int iter)
throws IOException {
int ret = 0;

long nMatches = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < iter; i++) {
int nClauses = random().nextInt(maxClauses - 1) + 2; // min 2 clauses
BooleanQuery.Builder bq = new BooleanQuery.Builder();
BitSet termflag = new BitSet(termsInIndex);
for (int j = 0; j < nClauses; j++) {
int tnum;
// don't pick same clause twice
tnum = random().nextInt(termsInIndex);
if (termflag.get(tnum)) tnum = termflag.nextClearBit(tnum);
if (tnum < 0 || tnum >= termsInIndex) tnum = termflag.nextClearBit(0);
Query tq = new TermQuery(terms[tnum]);
bq.add(tq, BooleanClause.Occur.MUST);
if (validate) {
assertEquals(result.cardinality(), hc.getCount());

CountingHitCollector hc =, new CountingHitCollectorManager(false, null));
nMatches += hc.getCount();
ret += hc.getSum();
if (VERBOSE) System.out.println("Average number of matches=" + (nMatches / iter));

return ret;

public int doNestedTermConjunctions(
IndexSearcher s,
Term[] terms,
int termsInIndex,
int maxOuterClauses,
int maxClauses,
int iter)
throws IOException {
int ret = 0;
long nMatches = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < iter; i++) {
int oClauses = random().nextInt(maxOuterClauses - 1) + 2;
BooleanQuery.Builder oq = new BooleanQuery.Builder();
for (int o = 0; o < oClauses; o++) {

int nClauses = random().nextInt(maxClauses - 1) + 2; // min 2 clauses
BooleanQuery.Builder bq = new BooleanQuery.Builder();
BitSet termflag = new BitSet(termsInIndex);
for (int j = 0; j < nClauses; j++) {
int tnum;
// don't pick same clause twice
tnum = random().nextInt(termsInIndex);
if (termflag.get(tnum)) tnum = termflag.nextClearBit(tnum);
if (tnum < 0 || tnum >= 25) tnum = termflag.nextClearBit(0);
Query tq = new TermQuery(terms[tnum]);
bq.add(tq, BooleanClause.Occur.MUST);
} // inner

oq.add(, BooleanClause.Occur.MUST);
} // outer

CountingHitCollector hc =, new CountingHitCollectorManager(false, null));
nMatches += hc.getCount();
ret += hc.getSum();
if (VERBOSE) System.out.println("Average number of matches=" + (nMatches / iter));
return ret;

public int doSloppyPhrase(IndexSearcher s, int termsInIndex, int maxClauses, int iter)
throws IOException {
int ret = 0;

for (int i = 0; i < iter; i++) {
int nClauses = random().nextInt(maxClauses - 1) + 2; // min 2 clauses
PhraseQuery.Builder builder = new PhraseQuery.Builder();
for (int j = 0; j < nClauses; j++) {
int tnum = random().nextInt(termsInIndex);
builder.add(new Term("f", Character.toString((char) (tnum + 'A'))));
// slop could be random too
PhraseQuery q =;

CountingHitCollector hc =, new CountingHitCollectorManager(false, null));
ret += hc.getSum();
if (VERBOSE) {
System.out.println("Average number of matches=" + (nMatches / iter));

return ret;

public void testConjunctions() throws Exception {
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