45 commits
to release-2.2.2-rc1
since this release
This is the first release (non-ASF version) since ozhera was donated to the Apache Incubator.
Since the last release, we have completed the migration of the repo, cleaned up the code, license, added more help documents, code verification process, and fixed some bugs.
What's Changed
- docs: fix some incorrect content by @wodiwudi in #358
- fix: upgrade app-api and app-common version to 3 by @sadadw1 in #359
- docs: request for updating Images in contributing documentation by @wtt40122 in #361
- refactor: update readme by @wtt40122 in #363
- refactor: update readme file by @wtt40122 in #364
- feat: metric alarm data add english label by @gaoxh in #362
- fix: update user manual by @gaoxh in #365
- refactor: update user manual image by @wtt40122 in #366
- refactor: remove metadata from ozhera-app by @sadadw1 in #369
- feat: add metadata module in trace-etl by @sadadw1 in #370
- refactor: log add collection ready flag by @wtt40122 in #372
- refactor: update json parser by @wtt40122 in #382
- feat: add header by @gaoxh in #388
- refactor: add log Separate by @wtt40122 in #386
- feat: add intelligence method by @sadadw1 in #380
- feat: add header by @gaoxh in #390
- refactor: replace threads with coroutines and add names by @wtt40122 in #397
- refactor: access to log by nacos config by @wtt40122 in #395
- refactor: upgrade jar package version by @wtt40122 in #398
- refactor: upgrade get all space by @wtt40122 in #400
- fix: update XiaoMi copyright by @sadadw1 in #402
- refactor: update pull config compatible with different keys by @wtt40122 in #404
- fix: fix multiple region read or write config bug by @wtt40122 in #406
- fix: add header by @gaoxh in #408
- fix: Add header by @gaoxh in #412
- fix: modify wrong name in README.md by @psxjoy in #413
- fix: add header and remove unused class files by @gaoxh in #414
- fix: remove unused import declarations by @psxjoy in #415
- fix: add header by @psxjoy in #419
- fix: modify the verification method of es address and port by @UPYOI in #417
- feat: stream extension supported by @wtt40122 in #422
- fix: remove unused import declarations by @psxjoy in #424
- fix: commit check action move to submodule by @rikaaa0928 in #440
- build(deps): bump cn.hutool:hutool-all from 5.8.20 to 5.8.21 in /ozhera-log by @dependabot in #441
- build(deps): bump commons-io:commons-io from 2.3 to 2.7 by @dependabot in #446
- build(deps): bump org.apache.commons:commons-compress from 1.21 to 1.26.0 in /ozhera-operator by @dependabot in #442
- build(deps): bump ch.qos.logback:logback-classic from 1.2.12 to 1.2.13 by @dependabot in #445
- refactor: improve code layering of ozhera-prometheus-agent module by @psxjoy in #437
- build(deps): bump ch.qos.logback:logback-core from 1.2.12 to 1.2.13 by @dependabot in #443
- build(deps): bump com.baomidou:mybatis-plus from 3.4.3 to by @dependabot in #444
- fix: dependencies upgraded to secure versions by @gaoxh in #448
- feat: add pr compilation check process by @gaoxh in #449
- fix: update pr commit check by @gaoxh in #450
- fix: update and test pr commit check process by @gaoxh in #451
- fix: delete rocksDB unit test by @sadadw1 in #453
- refactor: improve code layering of trace-etl module by @psxjoy in #439
- refactor: improve code layering of ozhera-webhook module by @psxjoy in #438
- refactor: unit tests are commented out by @wtt40122 in #452
- refactor: improve code layering of ozhera-monitor module by @psxjoy in #433
- refactor: improve and refine the usage scope of interfaces and classes by @psxjoy in #429
- fix: The issue of storing pagination list queries is fixed by @wtt40122 in #455
- refactor: update ozhera parent pom (#457) by @shanwb in #458
- refactor: change README and README_CN by @wodiwudi in #462
- refactor: update tspandata、webhook module change run.mone to org.apache (#457) by @shanwb in #463
- refactor: update intelligence module change run.mone to org.apache #457 by @psxjoy in #466
- refactor: Switch the orginal package path from com.xiaomi.mone.* to org.apache.ozhera.* #457 by @goodjava in #467
- refactor: update monitor module change run.mone to org.apache #457 by @goodjava in #468
- refactor: update prometheus module change run.mone to org.apache (#457) by @shanwb in #470
- refactor: update log module change run.mone to org.apache (#457) by @shanwb in #471
- refactor: compile project with new groupId #472 by @goodjava in #473
- refactor: compile log with new groupId (#472) by @shanwb in #477
- fix: update readme ozhera to apache ozhera(incubating) by @sadadw1 in #476
- refactor: compile log with new groupId (#472) by @shanwb in #478
- refactor: compile with new groupId (#472) by @shanwb in #479
- refactor: compile with new groupId (#472) by @shanwb in #480
- refactor: update trace-etl module change run.mone to org.apache #457 by @psxjoy in #481
- refactor: update the package path of the startup class by @wtt40122 in #484
- refactor: update aop package by @wodiwudi in #488
- refactor: upgrade package name and code update by @wtt40122 in #489
- build(deps): bump commons-io:commons-io from 2.7 to 2.14.0 by @dependabot in #485
- refactor: update space cache by @wtt40122 in #491
- fix: bump org.springframework:spring-context from 5.3.29 to 6.1.14 by @gaoxh in #494
- fix: corrected some typos in the project by @psxjoy in #492
- fix: corrected the alarm group update loss issue by @gaoxh in #495
- refactor: log some bug fix and opzimize by @wtt40122 in #496
- fix: fix dependency errors by @gaoxh in #497
- fix: optimized configuration processing logic by @wtt40122 in #500
- refactor: add contribution file and copyright info by @psxjoy in #498
- fix: update spring-context version by @gaoxh in #503
- fix: update nacos-spring-context version by @gaoxh in #504
- fix: update trace-etl file header, include java and md file by @sadadw1 in #505
- refactor: update ozhera-prometheus-agent prometheus-starter-all tspan… by @wodiwudi in #506
- fix: update demo-client and demo-server file header by @sadadw1 in #507
- refactor: add apache header by @wodiwudi in #511
- fix: update hera-log and hera-operator file header by @wtt40122 in #508
- fix: update the copyright statement in the file header and add a noti… by @gaoxh in #509
- fix: update data vo header by @wtt40122 in #512
- fix: add a header to the file where the declaration is missing by @gaoxh in #513
- feat: add dockerfile and proto file header by @sadadw1 in #515
- fix: operator information changes by @xs3508198 in #514
- fix: add header to files missing copyright notice by @gaoxh in #517
New Contributors
- @psxjoy made their first contribution in #413
- @UPYOI made their first contribution in #417
- @xs3508198 made their first contribution in #514
Full Changelog: v2.2.1...v2.2.2-rc1