What’s Changed
- modify password #176
- Customise the general context plugin's selector modal. (#163) #165
- Optimise the basic layout #158
- Increase the range of sorting(#156) #157
- Licenses missing from file (#154) #155
- Optimize page functionality.(#146) #153
- Admin selector quick copy.(#147) #150
Bug Fixes
- fix tableTransferComponent : modify data error. #173
- clear user list (#166) #170
- the login error message did not fit (#168) #171
- fix#2278 , A new pull request,please check it,thanks! #151
- Fix param mapping name #152
- [ISSUE #159] Fix the plugin sort can not support bigger than 100 #162
We'd like to thank all the contributors who worked on this release!
@OnlyQuiet, @SaberSola, @ShawnSiao, @daiwenyu, @dengliming, @fengzhenbing, @songyuequan, @Switch-vov