SkyWalking Kubernetes Helm repository provides ways to install and configure SkyWalking in a Kubernetes cluster. The scripts are written in Helm 3.
Chart detailed configuration can be found at Chart Readme
There are required values that you must set explicitly when deploying SkyWalking.
name | description | example |
oap.image.tag |
the OAP docker image tag | 10.1.0 |
oap.storageType |
the storage type of the OAP | elasticsearch , postgresql , banyandb , etc. |
ui.image.tag |
the UI docker image tag | 10.1.0 |
You can set these required values via command line (e.g. --set oap.image.tag=10.1.0 --set oap.storageType=elasticsearch
or edit them in a separate file(e.g. values.yaml
, values-my-es.yaml
and use -f <filename>
or --values=<filename>
to set them.
Let's set some variables for convenient use later.
export SKYWALKING_RELEASE_VERSION=4.7.0 # change the release version according to your need
export SKYWALKING_RELEASE_NAME=skywalking # change the release name according to your scenario
export SKYWALKING_RELEASE_NAMESPACE=default # change the namespace to where you want to install SkyWalking
helm install "${SKYWALKING_RELEASE_NAME}" \
oci:// \
--set oap.image.tag=10.1.0 \
--set oap.storageType=elasticsearch \
--set ui.image.tag=10.1.0
To use BanyanDB as storage solution, you can try
helm install "${SKYWALKING_RELEASE_NAME}" \
oci:// \
--set oap.image.tag=10.1.0 \
--set oap.storageType=banyandb \
--set ui.image.tag=10.1.0 \
--set elasticsearch.enabled=false \
--set banyandb.enabled=true \
--set banyandb.image.tag=0.7.0
BanyanDB can be configured through various parameters. A comprehensive list of these parameters can be found in the configuration section of BanyanDB Helm repository. These parameters allow you to customize aspects such as replication, resource allocation, persistence, and more to suit your specific deployment needs. Remember to prepend 'banyandb.' to all parameter names when applying the settings. For example, banyandb.image.tag
can be used to specify the version of BanyanDB.
The BanyanDB(>=0.7.0) is not compatible with the BanyanDB Helm Chart(<0.3.0) which was referred by the SkyWalking Helm Chart(<4.7.0). Meanwhile, BanyanDB(>=0.7.0) requires OAP 10.1.0+. If you want to use BanyanDB(>=0.7.0) as storage solution, you have to use the BanyanDB Helm Chart(>=0.3.0) or SkyWalking Helm Chart(>=4.7.0).
export REPO=skywalking
helm repo add ${REPO}
This is needed only when you want to install SkyWalking from master branch.
export REPO=chart
git clone
cd skywalking-helm
helm repo add elastic
helm dep up ${REPO}/skywalking
This is needed only when you want to install SWCK Adapter from master branch.
SWCK Adapter chart detailed configuration can be found at Adapter Chart Readme.
You can install the Adapter with the default configuration as follows.
export REPO=chart
git clone
cd skywalking-helm
helm -n skywalking-custom-metrics-system install adapter ${REPO}/adapter --create-namespace
This is needed only when you want to install SWCK Operator from master branch.
Before installing Operator, you have to install cert-manager at first.
kubectl apply -f
SWCK Operator chart detailed configuration can be found at Operator Chart Readme.
You can install the Operator with the default configuration as follows.
export REPO=chart
git clone
cd skywalking-helm
helm -n skywalking-swck-system install operator ${REPO}/operator
In theory, you can deploy all versions of SkyWalking that are >= 6.0.0-GA, by specifying the desired oap.image.tag
Please note that some configurations that are added in the later versions of SkyWalking may not work in earlier versions, and thus if you specify those configurations, they may take no effect.
here are some examples.
- Deploy SkyWalking 10.1.0
--set oap.image.tag=10.1.0 \
--set oap.storageType=elasticsearch \
--set ui.image.tag=10.1.0
Because ElasticSearch recommends to use the corresponding Helm Chart version of the ElasticSearch version,
if you want to use a specific version of ElasticSearch, you have to change the ElasticSearch Helm Chart version in
section in Chart.yaml
file, which requires you to install from the source codes.
Or you should deploy the desired ElasticSearch version first by yourself, and then deploy SkyWalking to use the
existing ElasticSearch by setting the following section:
enabled: true
config: # For users of an existing elasticsearch cluster,takes effect when `elasticsearch.enabled` is false
http: 9200
host: elasticsearch # es service on kubernetes or host
user: "xxx" # [optional]
password: "xxx" # [optional]
The same goes for PostgreSQL and BanyanDB.
If you are willing to help testing the latest codes that are not released yet, we provided a snapshot Helm repository on for convenient use, replace the full commit hash in the version option to deploy the revision that you want to test.
helm -n istio-system install skywalking \
oci:// \
--version "0.0.0-b670c41d94a82ddefcf466d54bab5c492d88d772" \
--set oap.image.tag=10.1.0 \
--set oap.storageType=elasticsearch \
--set ui.image.tag=10.1.0
This is needed only when you want to install source codes.
If you want to use a specific version of ElasticSearch as storage solution, for instance, modify the connection information to the existing ElasticSearch cluster in file values-my-es.yaml
-f ./skywalking/values-my-es.yaml
Enable the satellite as gateway, and set the satellite image tag.
--set satellite.enabled=true \
--set satellite.image.tag=v0.4.0
After satellite have been installed, you should replace the oap
address to the satellite
address, the address from agent or istio
, such as skywalking-satellite.istio-system:11800
- Override configuration files
You can override the configuration files for OAP or Satellite by adding configuration section oap.config
and satellite.config
check the examples, search keyword config: {}
- Pass environment variables to OAP
The SkyWalking OAP exposes many configurations that can be specified by environment variables, as listed in the main repo.
You can set those environment variables by --set oap.env.<ENV_NAME>=<ENV_VALUE>
, such as --set oap.env.SW_ENVOY_METRIC_ALS_HTTP_ANALYSIS=k8s-mesh
The environment variables take priority over the overrode configuration files.
Kubernetes Job cannot be rerun by default, if you want to rerun the OAP init job, you need to delete the Job and recreate it.
# Make sure to export the Job manifest to a file before deleting it.
kubectl get job -n "${SKYWALKING_RELEASE_NAMESPACE}" -l release=$SKYWALKING_RELEASE_NAME -o yaml > oap-init.job.yaml
# Trim the Job manifest to keep only the Job part, you can either download yq from or
# manually remove the fields that are not needed.
yq 'del(.items[0].metadata.creationTimestamp,.items[0].metadata.resourceVersion,.items[0].metadata.uid,.items[0].status,.items[0].spec.template.metadata.labels."",.items[0].spec.template.metadata.labels."controller-uid",.items[0].spec.selector.matchLabels."")' oap-init.job.yaml > oap-init.job.trimmed.yaml
# Check the file oap-init.job.trimmed.yaml to make sure it has correct content
# Delete the Job
# Create the Job
kubectl -n "${SKYWALKING_RELEASE_NAMESPACE}" apply -f oap-init.job.trimmed.yaml
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