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[USMP] Hill Climb allocator
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This PR adds HillClimb allocator "tir.usmp.algo.hill_climb"
to the memory allocation algorithm set.

Change-Id: Ib7485df93757eb512da040528ec86c920db8d03b
  • Loading branch information
d-smirnov committed Dec 13, 2021
1 parent 1973c5b commit 2ce01f9
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Showing 2 changed files with 758 additions and 0 deletions.
349 changes: 349 additions & 0 deletions src/tir/usmp/algo/
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@@ -0,0 +1,349 @@
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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* under the License.

* \file tir/analysis/usmp/algo/
* \brief Implement greedy by size memory planning algorithm
#include <tvm/arith/analyzer.h>
#include <tvm/runtime/device_api.h>
#include <tvm/tir/builtin.h>
#include <tvm/tir/function.h>
#include <tvm/tir/stmt_functor.h>
#include <tvm/tir/usmp/utils.h>

#include <algorithm>
#include <numeric>
#include <sstream>

namespace tvm {
namespace tir {
namespace usmp {
namespace algo {
* \brief Rounds up the offset to satisfy the alignement requirement
static size_t round_up_to_byte_alignment(const size_t& non_aligned_byte_offset,
const int& byte_alignment) {
return ((non_aligned_byte_offset + byte_alignment - 1) / byte_alignment) * byte_alignment;

* \brief A helper function check whether a offset is valid given the constraints
static bool IsValidPlacement(const PoolInfo& candidate_pool, const size_t& next_offset,
const size_t& size_bytes) {
if (candidate_pool->size_hint_bytes == -1) {
// this means pool is not bounded
return true;
auto pool_size = static_cast<size_t>(candidate_pool->size_hint_bytes->value);
auto max_address = next_offset + size_bytes;
if (max_address <= pool_size) {
return true;
return false;

* \brief Selects a pool for placement in the given set of ordered pool candidates
static PoolInfo SelectPlacementPool(
const BufferInfo& buf_info,
const std::unordered_map<PoolInfo, size_t, ObjectPtrHash, ObjectPtrEqual>& pool_offsets) {
// Here the pool candidates are ordered when it is consumed by the algorithm.
// This could be from order the user has specified. However, schedulers are
// welcome to change the order for performance reasons.
for (const auto& pool_info : buf_info->pool_candidates) {
if (pool_offsets.count(pool_info)) {
return pool_info;
CHECK(false) << "TVM USMP Error: the space available in the provided pools exceeded when "
"trying to allocate the buffer : "
<< buf_info << "\n. Please increase the size_hints for memory pools.";
return PoolInfo();

struct _ptr_hash {
template <typename T>
size_t operator()(const T& a) const {
return std::hash<T>()(a);

using alloc_map_t = std::unordered_map<const BufferInfoNode*, PoolAllocation, _ptr_hash>;

static void sort_vector(std::vector<BufferInfo>* buffer_info_vec) {
std::sort(buffer_info_vec->begin(), buffer_info_vec->end(),
[](const BufferInfo& a, const BufferInfo& b) {
if (a->size_bytes->value == b->size_bytes->value) {
if (a->conflicts.size() == b->conflicts.size()) {
auto a_name_hash = std::hash<std::string>{}(a->name_hint->data);
auto b_name_hash = std::hash<std::string>{}(b->name_hint->data);
return a_name_hash > b_name_hash;
} else {
return a->conflicts.size() > b->conflicts.size();
return a->size_bytes->value > b->size_bytes->value;

* Modified version of greedy allocation from
static void greedy(std::vector<BufferInfo>* buffer_info_vec, alloc_map_t* pool_allocations) {
for (const auto& buf_info : *buffer_info_vec) {
std::unordered_map<PoolInfo, size_t, ObjectPtrHash, ObjectPtrEqual> pool_offset_candidates;
for (const auto& pool_info : buf_info->pool_candidates) {
if (algo::IsValidPlacement(pool_info, 0, buf_info->size_bytes->value)) {
pool_offset_candidates[pool_info] = 0;

std::vector<const BufferInfoNode*> buf_conf;
for (const auto& conflict_buf_info_obj : buf_info->conflicts) {
const BufferInfoNode* conflict_buf_info =<BufferInfoNode>();
if (pool_allocations->end() != pool_allocations->find(conflict_buf_info)) {

// extra sorting for pool offsets
std::sort(buf_conf.begin(), buf_conf.end(), [&pool_allocations](const auto* a, const auto* b) {
return pool_allocations->operator[](a)->byte_offset->value <

for (const auto* conflict_buf_info : buf_conf) {
size_t next_offset = 0;
auto pool_allocation = pool_allocations->operator[](conflict_buf_info);
next_offset = pool_allocation->byte_offset + conflict_buf_info->size_bytes;
next_offset = round_up_to_byte_alignment(next_offset, conflict_buf_info->alignment->value);
if (!pool_offset_candidates.count(pool_allocation->pool_info)) {
if (IsValidPlacement(pool_allocation->pool_info, next_offset, buf_info->size_bytes->value)) {
if (next_offset > pool_offset_candidates[pool_allocation->pool_info] &&
pool_offset_candidates[pool_allocation->pool_info] +
static_cast<size_t>(buf_info->size_bytes) >
static_cast<size_t>(pool_allocation->byte_offset)) {
pool_offset_candidates[pool_allocation->pool_info] = next_offset;
} else {
auto selected_pool = algo::SelectPlacementPool(buf_info, pool_offset_candidates);
pool_allocations->operator[](<BufferInfoNode>()) =
PoolAllocation(selected_pool, Integer(pool_offset_candidates[selected_pool]));

* Finds highes allocated memory address for each pool
static std::unordered_map<PoolInfo, size_t, ObjectPtrHash, ObjectPtrEqual> find_highest(
alloc_map_t* pool_allocations) {
std::unordered_map<PoolInfo, size_t, ObjectPtrHash, ObjectPtrEqual> max_pool_size;
for (const auto it : *pool_allocations) {
const BufferInfoNode* buf = it.first;
const PoolAllocation& pa = it.second;
size_t high_sz = pa->byte_offset + buf->size_bytes;
if (max_pool_size[pa->pool_info] <= high_sz) {
max_pool_size[pa->pool_info] = high_sz;
return max_pool_size;

* Simulated annealing / Hill climb
* Works by continiously invoking modified 'greedy-by-size' allocation
* assessing the result and introduce permutations which hopefully
* will led to more 'compact' memory allocation.
Map<BufferInfo, PoolAllocation> HillClimb(const Array<BufferInfo>& buffer_info_arr,
const Integer& desired_bytes) {
unsigned int _seedp = 0;
std::vector<BufferInfo> buffer_info_vec;
for (const auto& buffer_info : buffer_info_arr) {
<< "Cannot process buffer \"" << buffer_info->name_hint << "\" with no pool candidates";


// populate positional index map
std::unordered_map<const BufferInfoNode*, int, _ptr_hash> _pos_map;
for (size_t index = 0; index < buffer_info_vec.size(); ++index) {
_pos_map[buffer_info_vec[index].as<BufferInfoNode>()] = index;

// size_t first_attempt_size = 0;
size_t total_size = 0;
int attempts = 0;
// int successful_iteration = 0;

int swap_i1 = -1;
int swap_i2 = -1;
size_t desired_bytes_ = desired_bytes;
constexpr auto _max_attempts = 500;
alloc_map_t rollback_pool_allocations;
alloc_map_t result_pool_allocations;
alloc_map_t pool_allocations;

auto swap_buffers = [&buffer_info_vec, &_pos_map](int i1, int i2) {
if (i1 == i2) return;
auto b1 = buffer_info_vec[i1];
auto b2 = buffer_info_vec[i2];
buffer_info_vec[i1] = b2;
buffer_info_vec[i2] = b1;

_pos_map[<BufferInfoNode>()] = i2;
_pos_map[<BufferInfoNode>()] = i1;

auto _pos = [&_pos_map](const auto* e) {
auto it = _pos_map.find(e);
if (it != _pos_map.end()) {
return it->second;
LOG(FATAL) << "not indexed";
return -1;

for (; attempts < _max_attempts; ++attempts) {
rollback_pool_allocations = std::move(pool_allocations);
greedy(&buffer_info_vec, &pool_allocations);

// estimate result buffers
auto max_pool_size = find_highest(&pool_allocations);

// calculate summary
size_t total = 0;
for (const auto& el : max_pool_size) {
total += el.second;
// accept/reject result heuristic
if (!total_size ||
(total_size > total ||
rand_r(&_seedp) % 100 < static_cast<int>(300 * (total - total_size) / total / attempts))) {
// remember winning combination
result_pool_allocations = pool_allocations;
total_size = total;

// reached desired size
if (total_size <= desired_bytes_) {

} else {
// rollback
swap_buffers(swap_i2, swap_i1);
pool_allocations = std::move(rollback_pool_allocations);
max_pool_size = find_highest(&pool_allocations);

std::vector<const BufferInfoNode*> max_pool_buf;

for (const auto& it : pool_allocations) {
const auto* buf = it.first;
const auto pa = it.second;
size_t high_sz = pa->byte_offset + buf->size_bytes;
if (max_pool_size[pa->pool_info] == high_sz) {

// pick highest
const BufferInfoNode* suspect = max_pool_buf[rand() % max_pool_buf.size()];
PoolAllocation suspect_pa = pool_allocations[suspect];

std::unordered_map<int, const BufferInfoNode*, _ptr_hash> first_level_set;
std::unordered_map<int, const BufferInfoNode*, _ptr_hash> second_level_set;

auto suspect_pos = _pos(suspect);
for (const auto& c1 : suspect->conflicts) {
const auto* c1_buf =<BufferInfoNode>();
int c1_pos = _pos(c1_buf);
if (suspect_pos > c1_pos) {
first_level_set[c1_pos] = c1_buf;
int c2_pos = -1;
for (const auto& c2 : c1_buf->conflicts) {
const auto c2_buf =<BufferInfoNode>();
if (c1_pos > (c2_pos = _pos(c2_buf))) {
second_level_set[c2_pos] = c2_buf;

std::vector<const BufferInfoNode*> first_level;
for (const auto& i : first_level_set) {
std::vector<const BufferInfoNode*> second_level;
for (const auto& i : second_level_set) {

if (!(first_level.size() + second_level.size())) {

// pick the buffers
const BufferInfoNode* swap_buf2 =
second_level.size() && (!first_level.size() || (rand_r(&_seedp) % 100 > 30))
? second_level[rand() % second_level.size()]
: first_level[rand() % first_level.size()];
const BufferInfoNode* swap_buf1 =
second_level.size() && (!first_level.size() || (rand_r(&_seedp) % 100 > 30))
? second_level[rand() % second_level.size()]
: first_level[rand() % first_level.size()];

if (swap_buf1 == swap_buf2) {

swap_i1 = _pos(swap_buf1);
swap_i2 = _pos(swap_buf2);
// do swap
swap_buffers(swap_i1, swap_i2);

Map<BufferInfo, PoolAllocation> result;
for (auto it : pool_allocations) {
result.Set(GetRef<BufferInfo>(it.first), it.second);
return result;

.set_body_typed([](Array<BufferInfo> buffer_info_arr, Integer memory_pressure) {
return HillClimb(buffer_info_arr, memory_pressure);

} // namespace algo
} // namespace usmp
} // namespace tir
} // namespace tvm

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