This page contains instructions and examples of a way to perform Tag and Probe on LowPt electrons
- Set up your area:
cmsrel CMSSW_10_2_10
cd CMSSW_10_2_10/src
mkdir TnP_fits
cd TnP_fits
mkdir plots
mkdir plots/noIso_ID
mkdir plots/Iso_ID
- Get the TnP tool:
git clone
- Cretate TnP pairs from a ntuple (possible to modify the included branches, the pair selection cuts and the ID of interest for efficiency calculation):
root -q -b CreateTnPpairsData.cpp "()"
root -q -b CreateTnPpairsMC.cpp "()"
root -q -b CreateTnPpairsData_Run3.cpp "()"
root -q -b CreateTnPpairsMC_Run3.cpp "()"
- Perform fits and get the efficiencies (figures will be stored in plots directory). pT and rel_Iso bins can be defined inside TnPAnalyzer_*.cpp files. A corresponding TnPanalyzer file is present for noIso and Iso ID efficiency calculations.
root -q -b TnPAnalyzer_noIsoID.cpp "()"
root -q -b TnPAnalyzer_isoID.cpp "()"
- If the TnPAnalyzer for isoID is run, then additional extrapolation step is needed to be done to calcualte the SF values. A simplistic code is availabe and can be run here with python 3.
source /cvmfs/