An example mocha test suite using webdriver, with configuration using command-line options.
Have selenium running:
java -jar selenium-server-standalone-2.31.0.jar
And in another terminal, run the suite:
mocha test/
There are two tests, which both include browser.js. This creates the connection to webdriver, does init and end in 'before' and 'after' mocha things and adds extra options for running the tests:
$ node test/browser.js -h
Usage: browser.js [options]
-h, --help output usage information
--log <level> Log level: verbose | silent | command | data | result
--selenium <hostname> Selenium server host
--port <number> Selenium server port
--browser <browser> Browser: phantomjs | chrome | firefox | ie (if you have them set up)
--url <url> URL to init the browser with
So you can run the whole suite or run individual tests, and they will all re-use one webdriver connection:
mocha test/test1.js
Or you can quickly try against another browser:
mocha test/test1.js --browser chrome
Options can also be put into the file 'test.opts'. test/mocha.opts is also provided as an example, where mocha options go.