A very optionated set of Wagtail reusable applications and helpers meant to speedup website development. There is not any universality intent.
It assumes the following stacks:
- Python 3
- Latest Wagtail and Django versions
- Django-Jinja for template rendering
- Django-Babel for localization
- Django-Appconf for default settings
- Vue 2 for front components
- Webpack 3 as front build toolchain
- SCSS as style language
- Bootstrap and Font-awesome as base frameworks
Wapps is designed to work with Python 3, Django-jinja, Django-babel and latest Django and Wagtail versions.
Wapps also provides JS/Vue2 helpers and scss mixins and classes
Install it with pip:
$ pip install wapps
then add the required bases apps to your settings (ie. settings.py
Install it with npm
or yarn
$ npm install wapps@<wapps-version>