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Controlling Language and Diffusion Models by Transporting Activations

Pau Rodriguez, Arno Blaas, Michal Klein, Luca Zappella, Nicholas Apostoloff, Marco Cuturi and Xavier Suau

Code style: black Imports: isort

This software project accompanies the research paper: Controlling Language and Diffusion Models by Transporting Activations (bibtex).

Figure 1


  1. Clone the Repository:

    git clone
    cd ml-act
  2. Install dependencies

    pip install -r requirements.txt
  3. Download datasets and models. For ease of explanation, we will use the following environment variables to point to where the datasets and models are stored: DATA_DIR and CACHE_DIR. Also, set HF_TOKEN if needed.

    export DATA_DIR="some/path"
    export CACHE_DIR="some/other/path"
    export HF_HUB_CACHE="another/path"  # optionally, models will be saved here
    export HF_TOKEN="your_token"  # required for some specific models like Gemma-2

    Then just call python -m act.scripts.download_external_data to download external assets to your local $DATA_DIR. This will download RTP prompts, the Jigsaw toxicity dataset and the COCO captions dataset. Note that models will be downloaded automatically with huggingface. Note you can setup HF_HUB_CACHE to point to a specific folder (see huggingface documentation).

  4. Optionally, run the provided tests to make sure the setup is correct. It will download some small model from Huggingface during the first run.

    pytest . -m "not slow"


This repository contains the code for a research paper focusing on controlling model behavior through learned interventions. We provide a pipeline script that enables users to:

  1. Extract Activations: Obtain activations from specified model layers.
  2. Learn Interventions: Utilize extracted activations to learn interventions that control model behavior.
  3. Evaluate Intervened Models: Assess the performance of intervened models on various tasks.

Quick summary of the main files in the repository:

  • Python Scripts:
    • Main pipeline for incremental learning of model interventions.
    • Core functionality for learning interventions from model activations.
  • Hydra Configuration Files (configs directory):
    • text_generation.yaml and text_to_image_generation.yaml: Primary config files, specifying:
      • Model architecture and layers
      • Task parameters (e.g., dataset, batch size)
      • Intervention type and settings (e.g., linear_ot)
      • Evaluation tasks (e.g., RTP, zero-shot evaluation)
    • Referenced Sub-Configs:
      • task_params/giraffes.yaml (task-specific settings)
      • model/gpt2.yaml (model architecture details)
      • intervention_params/linear_ot (intervention-type specific settings; not explicitly listed, implied as part of the config structure)
      • wandb/act.yaml (WandB logging configuration)

The linear_ot intervention in this repository implements Linear-AcT as defined in our paper: Controlling Language and Diffusion Models by Transporting Activations

Running the pipeline for text generation

# see act/configs/text_generation.yaml for configuration details
python -m act.scripts.pipeline \
"task_params=giraffes" \
"responses.batch_size=20" \
"responses.max_batches=1" \
"wandb.mode=disabled" \
"text_generation.num_sentences=10" \
"text_generation.new_seq_len=48" \
"text_generation.strength_sample_size=3" \
"intervention_params.incremental=atonce" \
"device=cpu" \

This command will:

  1. Extract activations from a pre-trained Gemma-2-2b model as specified in configs/text_generation.yaml. We collect 1 batch of size 20 since we provide 20 sentences in data/giraffes.json). Remember to change to device=mps if working on MacOS and to device=cuda if you work on GPU for better speed.
  2. Use the responses to learn an intervention. We set intervention_params.incremental=atonce to make this example faster, but better performance is achieved with incr.
  3. Generate text with the intervened model. We ask to generate 10 sentences (text_generation.num_sentences=10) at 3 different strengths (text_generation.strength_sample_size=3) between 0 and 1 (so 0.0, 0.5, 1.0).
  4. Evaluate the generated text (see evaluations in act/configs/task_params/toxicity.yaml and act/configs/text_generation.yaml)

Note that we use Hydra as configuration and arguments manager.

Results will be stored in results_dir (set in the config file or run with results_dir=<your/results_dir/path>). It will also upload them to wandb if you have set it up. (more about wandb config for this project in configs/wandb/act.yaml). For task-specific evaluations (e.g., rtp, text_generation, zero_shot), modify the evaluation parameter in text_generation.yaml or text_to_image_generation.yaml or override it via the command line, and re-run the pipeline.

Running the pipeline for diffusion

python -m act.scripts.pipeline \
    --config-name text_to_image_generation \
    "task_params=coco_styles" \
    "task_params.src_subsets=['none']" \
    "task_params.dst_subsets=['art_nouveau']" \
    "task_params.prompt_subset=['none']" \
    "responses.batch_size=8" \
    "responses.max_batches=64" \
    "interventions.max_batches=null" \
    "wandb.mode=disabled" \
    "evaluation=['text-to-image-generation']" \
    "text_to_image_generation.batch_size=1" \
    "text_to_image_generation.max_batches=1" \
    "text_to_image_generation.create_gif=true" \

Line by line:

  1. --config-name text_to_image_generation chooses the config file in configs/text_to_image_generation.yaml.
  2. "task_params=coco_styles" chooses the task coco_styles in configs/task_params
  3. "task_params.src_subsets=['none']" and "task_params.dst_subsets=['art_nouveau']" choose the source and destination datasets respectively.
  4. "task_params.prompt_subset=['none']" chooses the prompt dataset for inference time
  5. "responses.batch_size=8" and "responses.max_batches=64" extract 8 responses per batch and run 64 batches. (512 samples). We used 32 x 64 in the paper.
  6. "interventions.max_batches=null" will use all extrated responses to learn an intervention
  7. "evaluation=['text-to-image-generation']" after the intervention, it will generate images. You can also add clip_score here.
  8. "text_to_image_generation.create_gif=true" this will save gif animations with the generated images at different strengths. The strengths used are configured in configs/text_to_image_generation.yaml under text_to_image_generation with min_strength, max_strength and strength_steps (actual strengths will be a np.linspace(min_strength, max_strength, strength_steps)).

Results will be stored in results_dir (set in the config file or run with results_dir=<your/results_dir/path>). It will also upload them to wandb if you have set it up. (more about wandb config for this project in configs/wandb/act.yaml). In results_dir/generate_with_hooks_diffusion/ you will find the generated images, with a folder for each strength value and guidance scale set up in text_to_image_generation.yaml in the format {strength:.03f}_{guidance:.03f}/<image_id>.png.

Customizing Hydra Configuration (e.g. text_generation.yaml)

Overview of Configurable Sections

  • Model: Specify model architecture, path, and layer names for intervention.
  • Task Params: Define task-specific settings (e.g., dataset, batch size).
  • Intervention Params: Configure intervention type, incremental mode, and hook parameters.
  • Evaluation: Choose evaluation tasks to run after learning interventions.

Example Customizations

  1. (preferred) Override Config Values via Command Line:

    • Use key=value pairs, for example:
    python -m act.scripts.pipeline \
        --config-name text_generation \ \
        evaluation=[rtp, zero_shot]
    • This approach allows for quick testing of different configurations without modifying the YAML file.
  2. Change where the intervention is performed:

    The easiest way is to override arguments via commandline model.module_names=['.*layernorm.*]. Another option is to directly modify the config file, e.g,

      model_path: "path/to/your/model"
        - layer1_regex
        - layer2_regex

    or modify/add a new model in configs/model and reference it in text_generation.yaml or text_to_image_generation.yaml.

  3. Switch to a Different Intervention:

        name: your_intervention_name
        # Update hook_params if necessary for the new intervention
          key: value
  4. Modify Evaluation Tasks:

      - rtp
      - zero_shot
      # Add or remove tasks as needed


  title={Controlling Language and Diffusion Models by Transporting Activations},
  author={Rodriguez, Pau and Blaas, Arno and Klein, Michal and Zappella, Luca and Apostoloff, Nicholas and Cuturi, Marco and Suau, Xavier},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2410.23054},


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