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Contribute to swiftlang/swift

Make your first contribution to this repository by tackling one of the issues listed below.

Each issue displayed here is a "good first issue," selected for its relative approachability for first-time contributors.

Good first issues

Bad diagnostic about memberwise `init` not being public bug A deviation from expected or documented behavior. Also: expected but undesirable behavior. compiler The Swift compiler itself good first issue Good for newcomers diagnostics QoI Bug: Diagnostics Quality of Implementation type checker Area → compiler: Semantic analysis conformances Feature → protocol: protocol conformances fix-its Feature: diagnostic fix-its access control Feature → modifiers: Access control and access levels memberwise init Feature: Memberwise structure initializers Swift 6.2-dev
#78362 opened Dec 24, 2024 by AnthonyLatsis
Diagnostic for `static nonmutating` should be improved bug A deviation from expected or documented behavior. Also: expected but undesirable behavior. compiler The Swift compiler itself good first issue Good for newcomers diagnostics QoI Bug: Diagnostics Quality of Implementation type checker Area → compiler: Semantic analysis declarations Feature: declarations static declarations Feature → declarations: Static declarations mutating Feature → declarations → functions: Mutating functions swift 6.1-dev
#77835 opened Nov 25, 2024 by AnthonyLatsis
Swift should allow multiple `SWIFT_CONFORMS_TO_PROTOCOL` attributes on a C++ class bug A deviation from expected or documented behavior. Also: expected but undesirable behavior. c++ interop Feature: Interoperability with C++ clang importer Area → compiler: The clang importer compiler The Swift compiler itself good first issue Good for newcomers conformances Feature → protocol: protocol conformances unexpected behavior Bug: Unexpected behavior or incorrect output Swift 6.2-dev
#75831 opened Aug 12, 2024 by egorzhdan
5.10 "LoadableByAddress" non-deterministic compiler crash when parameter pack closure saved to instance property. bug A deviation from expected or documented behavior. Also: expected but undesirable behavior. compiler The Swift compiler itself good first issue Good for newcomers IRGen LLVM IR generation generics Feature: generic declarations and types crash Bug: A crash, i.e., an abnormal termination of software function types Feature → types: function types properties Feature: properties parameter packs Feature → generics: Parameter packs types Feature: types swift 5.10 needs tests Flag: Issue is fixed but needs tests / PR needs tests
#74609 opened Jun 21, 2024 by vanvoorden
Bad diagnostic for `any P!` bug A deviation from expected or documented behavior. Also: expected but undesirable behavior. compiler The Swift compiler itself good first issue Good for newcomers diagnostics QoI Bug: Diagnostics Quality of Implementation type checker Area → compiler: Semantic analysis TypeResolver existentials Feature: values of types like `any Collection`, `Any` and `AnyObject`; type-erased values unexpected behavior Bug: Unexpected behavior or incorrect output types Feature: types swift 6.0 implicitly unwrapped optionals Feature → types: Implicitly unwrapped optional types, aka IUO
#72662 opened Mar 28, 2024 by AnthonyLatsis
Diagnostic for use of plain protocol name in type position should suggest `some` or `any` bug A deviation from expected or documented behavior. Also: expected but undesirable behavior. compiler The Swift compiler itself good first issue Good for newcomers diagnostics QoI Bug: Diagnostics Quality of Implementation type checker Area → compiler: Semantic analysis fix-its Feature: diagnostic fix-its generics Feature: generic declarations and types opaque types Feature → types: opaque types existentials Feature: values of types like `any Collection`, `Any` and `AnyObject`; type-erased values swift 5.9 types Feature: types
#68284 opened Sep 1, 2023 by hborla
Compiler error when extending a typealias of a partially specialized generic type bug A deviation from expected or documented behavior. Also: expected but undesirable behavior. compiler The Swift compiler itself good first issue Good for newcomers type checker Area → compiler: Semantic analysis generics Feature: generic declarations and types TypeResolver typealias Feature → type declarations: `typealias` declarations swift 5.9 unexpected error Bug: Unexpected error extension Feature → declarations: `extension` declarations declarations Feature: declarations
#68212 opened Aug 30, 2023 by tapsns
`[.]Type` completion for `(any P).` shows it will produce an existential metatype bug A deviation from expected or documented behavior. Also: expected but undesirable behavior. good first issue Good for newcomers code completion Area → source tooling: code completion source tooling Area: IDE support, SourceKit, and other source tooling existentials Feature: values of types like `any Collection`, `Any` and `AnyObject`; type-erased values metatypes Feature → types: Metatypes swift 5.9 unexpected behavior Bug: Unexpected behavior or incorrect output types Feature: types
#65843 opened May 10, 2023 by AnthonyLatsis
Code completion: Stop suggesting old-style protocol metatype syntax in Swift 6 mode bug A deviation from expected or documented behavior. Also: expected but undesirable behavior. good first issue Good for newcomers code completion Area → source tooling: code completion source tooling Area: IDE support, SourceKit, and other source tooling existentials Feature: values of types like `any Collection`, `Any` and `AnyObject`; type-erased values metatypes Feature → types: Metatypes swift 5.9 unexpected behavior Bug: Unexpected behavior or incorrect output types Feature: types
#65699 opened May 5, 2023 by AnthonyLatsis
Bad diagnostic when inheriting from class in extension bug A deviation from expected or documented behavior. Also: expected but undesirable behavior. compiler The Swift compiler itself good first issue Good for newcomers diagnostics QoI Bug: Diagnostics Quality of Implementation type checker Area → compiler: Semantic analysis inheritance Feature → type declarations → class: Subclassing and inheritance of class members extension Feature → declarations: `extension` declarations swift 6.0
#64903 opened Apr 4, 2023 by AnthonyLatsis
SwiftUI: Failed to produce diagnostic for expression when using keyword 'open' in some contexts bug A deviation from expected or documented behavior. Also: expected but undesirable behavior. compiler The Swift compiler itself good first issue Good for newcomers diagnostics QoI Bug: Diagnostics Quality of Implementation type checker Area → compiler: Semantic analysis failed to produce diagnostic Bug → internal error: Failed to produce diagnostic for expression swift 5.9
#61039 opened Sep 11, 2022 by j-war
[SR-15111] “Type of expression is ambiguous” error when initializing a class bug A deviation from expected or documented behavior. Also: expected but undesirable behavior. compiler The Swift compiler itself good first issue Good for newcomers diagnostics QoI Bug: Diagnostics Quality of Implementation type checker Area → compiler: Semantic analysis type inference Feature: type inference expressions Feature: expressions swift 5.9 optional chaining Feature → expressions: optional chaining
#57437 opened Aug 25, 2021 by swift-ci
[SR-8213] Compiler may indicate "case will never be executed" even if it is unavoidable to execute the case in switch statement. bug A deviation from expected or documented behavior. Also: expected but undesirable behavior. compiler The Swift compiler itself good first issue Good for newcomers diagnostics QoI Bug: Diagnostics Quality of Implementation type checker Area → compiler: Semantic analysis SILGen Area → compiler: The SIL generation stage pattern matching Feature: pattern matching switch Feature → statements: 'switch' statements swift 5.9 patterns Feature: patterns statements Feature: statements switch cases Feature → statements → switch: 'switch' statement cases
#50745 opened Jul 10, 2018 by YOCKOW
[SR-6207] Misleading error for unqualified use of static variable in method bug A deviation from expected or documented behavior. Also: expected but undesirable behavior. compiler The Swift compiler itself good first issue Good for newcomers diagnostics QoI Bug: Diagnostics Quality of Implementation type checker Area → compiler: Semantic analysis expressions Feature: expressions static declarations Feature → declarations: Static declarations swift 6.0
#48759 opened Oct 24, 2017 by huonw mannequin
[SR-3316] "Script mode" globals have internal visibility and can be accessed before initialization from other files bug A deviation from expected or documented behavior. Also: expected but undesirable behavior. compiler The Swift compiler itself good first issue Good for newcomers feature A feature request or implementation swift evolution proposal needed Flag → feature: A feature that warrants a Swift evolution proposal access control Feature → modifiers: Access control and access levels
#45904 opened Dec 2, 2016 by jckarter