An Ionic 3 application based on the Supermodular2 starter. This project is the source code of the tutorial on "How To Authenticate with Firebase and Ionic 3 - Email/Password and Google Sign-In", originally published at
- Project's Home:
To find many more features and make the most of Firebase for your Ionic 3 mobile app, check out Ionic 3 Toolkit Firebase.
First, make sure that NodeJS is installed on your computer. If NodeJS is not installed, please install the latest LTS version of NodeJS.
Git should be installed in your computer. Follow the instructions for your platform to install it:
This application uses SASS, a CSS preprocessor. Follow the instructions for your platform to install it:
This is an Ionic Cordova based application, so Ionic and Cordova CLIs, should be installed on your computer for this application to run. In order to install Ionic and Cordova CLIs, run the command:
$ npm install -g cordova ionic
Use ionic serve -l
to run the app in browser and watch for changes in code
use ionic serve
to just run the app for a browser preview
use ionic serve --lab
to run the app in a browser on two platforms at the same time.
$ ionic platform add <platform>
Supported Cordova platforms:
$ ionic platform add ios $ ionic platform add android
$ ionic build
$ ionic emulate ios
$ ionic emulate android