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Terraform AWS Landing Zone Baseline


The purpose of this module is to provision the baseline requirements for a landing zone environment, and to provide a pattern moving forward for pipeline access.


Add example usage here

## Provision the Landing Zone Access permissions
module "landing_zone" {
  source  = "appvia/cloudaccess-lza/aws"
  version = "0.0.1"

  aws_accounts = {
    network    = var.aws_accounts["network"]
    management = var.aws_accounts["management"]
  repositories = {
    accelerator_repository_url  = var.landing_zone_repositories.accelerator_repository_url
    connectivity_repository_url = var.landing_zone_repositories.connectivity_repository_url
    firewall_repository_url     = var.landing_zone_repositories.firewall_repository_url
    identity_repository_url     = var.landing_zone_repositories.identity_repository_url
  tags = var.tags

  providers = {
    management =
    network    =

CIS Alarms & Notifications

This module can configure CIS alarms and notifications. To enable this functionality, set the enable_cis_alarms variable to true. These will use a CloudWatch log group, defaulting to the AWS Control Tower organizational trail. In order to receive notifications on this events

  1. Use the notifications_emails variable to specify a list of email addresses to send notifications to.
enable_cis_alarms = true
enable_email_notifications = true
notifications = {
  email = {
    addresses = [""]

For notifications to slack

  1. Configuration the notifications block accordingly
enable_email_notifications = true
notifications = {
  slack = {
    webhook_url = ""
    channel = "cloud-notifications"
accounts_id_to_name = {
  "1234567890" = "mgmt"
cloudwatch_log_group_retention = 3
identity_center_start_url = "<your identity center start url - if relevant>"
identity_center_role = "<your your identity center role - consistent across accounts typically read only - if relevant>"

Tagging Enforcement

The tagging enforcement feature updates the default IAM boundaries deployed by this module to include additional policy blocking the creation of resources without the required tags; defined in the var.enforcable_tags variable. The restrictions will be applied to all actions found in the var.enforcable_tagging_actions. These are the same IAM boundaries which are intended to be used by machine roles (i.e. CI/CD).

Switching on the feature will also deploy a stackset across the entire organization implementing the tagging policy deny logic. This should be referenced by roles within the account.

The IAM policy which is used to enforce the tagging policy follows the below template

- Sid: EnforceTaggingPolicy
  Effect: Deny
    %{ for action in actions ~}
    - "${action}"
    %{ endfor ~}
  Resource: [
    %{ for resource in resources ~}
    - "${resource}"
    %{ endfor ~}
        %{ for tag in tags ~}
        "aws:RequestTag/${tag}": "true"
        %{ endfor ~}

An example supplying the following tags - Environment, Product, Owner, GitRepo and using the default actions defined in the variables would render to.

- Sid: EnforceTaggingPolicy
  Effect: Deny
    - ec2:CreateInternetGateway
    - ec2:CreateVolume
    - ec2:CreateVpcPeeringConnection
    - ec2:RunInstances
    - ecs:CreateCluster
    - ecs:CreateService
    - ecs:CreateTaskSet
    - eks:CreateCluster
    - elasticfilesystem:CreateAccessPoint
    - elasticfilesystem:CreateFileSystem
    - elasticloadbalancing:CreateListener
    - elasticloadbalancing:CreateLoadBalancer
    - elasticloadbalancing:CreateRule
    - elasticloadbalancing:CreateTargetGroup
    - elasticloadbalancing:CreateTrustStore
    - network-firewall:CreateFirewall
    - network-firewall:CreateFirewallPolicy
    - network-firewall:CreateRuleGroup
    - ram:CreatePermission
    - ram:CreateResourceShare
    - redshift:CreateCluster
    - redshift:CreateClusterParameterGroup
    - redshift:CreateClusterSecurityGroup
    - redshift:CreateClusterSubnetGroup
    - route53:CreateHostedZone
    - secretsmanager:CreateSecret
  Resource: ["*"]
      "aws:RequestTag/Environment": "true"
      "aws:RequestTag/Product": "true"
      "aws:RequestTag/Owner": "true"
      "aws:RequestTag/GitRepo": "true"

Update Documentation

The terraform-docs utility is used to generate this README. Follow the below steps to update:

  1. Make changes to the .terraform-docs.yml file
  2. Fetch the terraform-docs binary (
  3. Run terraform-docs markdown table --output-file ${PWD}/ --output-mode inject .


Name Version
terraform >= 1.1.4
archive ~> 2.0
aws ~> 5.0


Name Version
archive 2.6.0
aws 5.67.0
aws.audit 5.67.0 5.67.0 5.67.0


Name Source Version
alarm_baseline appvia/alarm-baseline/aws 0.2.5
cost_management appvia/oidc/aws//modules/role 1.3.2
default_boundary appvia/boundary-stack/aws 0.1.7
management_landing_zone appvia/oidc/aws//modules/role 1.3.2
management_sso_identity appvia/oidc/aws//modules/role 1.3.2
network_inspection_vpc_admin appvia/oidc/aws//modules/role 1.3.2
network_transit_gateway_admin appvia/oidc/aws//modules/role 1.3.2
permissive_boundary appvia/boundary-stack/aws 0.1.7
securityhub_notifications appvia/notifications/aws 1.0.4
tagging_boundary appvia/boundary-stack/aws 0.1.7


Name Type
aws_cloudformation_stack.aws_support_stack_instance_management_account resource
aws_cloudformation_stack_set.aws_support_stack resource
aws_cloudformation_stack_set.identity_stackset resource
aws_cloudformation_stack_set_instance.aws_support_stack_instance resource
aws_cloudformation_stack_set_instance.identity_stack resource
aws_cloudwatch_event_rule.securityhub_findings resource
aws_cloudwatch_event_target.security_hub_findings_target resource
aws_cloudwatch_log_group.securityhub_lambda_log_group resource
aws_iam_group.breakglass resource
aws_iam_group_policy_attachment.breakglass resource
aws_iam_group_policy_attachment.test-attach resource
aws_iam_policy.breakglass resource
aws_iam_policy.code_contributor resource
aws_iam_policy.code_release resource
aws_iam_policy.cost_iam_boundary resource
aws_iam_policy.costs_admin resource
aws_iam_policy.costs_viewer resource
aws_iam_policy.ipam_admin resource
aws_iam_policy.user_management resource
aws_iam_role.securityhub_lambda_role resource
aws_iam_user.breakglass resource
aws_iam_user_group_membership.breakglass resource
aws_lambda_function.securityhub_lambda_function resource
aws_lambda_permission.securityhub_event_bridge resource
archive_file.securityhub_lambda_package data source
aws_caller_identity.current data source
aws_iam_policy_document.breakglass data source
aws_iam_policy_document.lambda_assume_role_policy data source
aws_iam_policy_document.securityhub_lambda_cloudwatch_logs_policy data source
aws_iam_policy_document.securityhub_notifications_policy data source
aws_kms_alias.securityhub_kms_key data source
aws_organizations_organization.current data source
aws_region.current data source


Name Description Type Default Required
accounts_id_to_name A mapping of account id and account name - used by notification lamdba to map an account ID to a human readable name map(string) {} no
aws_accounts Map of AWS account names to their account IDs
network_account_id = optional(string, "")
remoteaccess_account_id = optional(string, "")
n/a yes
aws_support_role_name Name of the AWS Support role string "AWSSupportAccessRole" no
breakglass_users The number of breakglass users to create number 2 no
cloudaccess_terraform_state_ro_policy_name Name of the IAM policy to attach to the CloudAccess Terraform state role string "lza-cloudaccess-tfstate-ro" no
cloudaccess_terraform_state_rw_policy_name Name of the IAM policy to attach to the CloudAccess Terraform state role string "lza-cloudaccess-tfstate-rw" no
cloudwatch_identity_center_role The name of the role to use when redirecting through Identity Center for cloudwatch events string null no
costs_boundary_name Name of the IAM policy to use as a permissions boundary for cost-related roles string "lza-costs-boundary" no
default_permissions_boundary_name Name of the default IAM policy to use as a permissions boundary string "lza-default-boundary" no
enable_aws_support Indicates if we should enable AWS Support role bool true no
enable_breakglass Indicates if we should enable breakglass users and group bool false no
enable_cis_alarms Indicates if we should enable CIS alerts bool true no
enable_securityhub_alarms Indicates if we should enable SecurityHub alarms bool true no
enforcable_tagging_actions List of enforceable tagging actions list(string)
enforcable_tagging_policy_name Name of the IAM policy to use as a permissions boundary for enforceable tags string "lza-enforceable-tags-boundary" no
enforcable_tagging_resources List of enforceable tagging resources list(string)
enforcable_tags List of enforceable tags list(string) [] no
identity_center_start_url The start URL of your Identity Center instance string null no
notifications Configuration for the notifications
email = optional(object({
addresses = list(string)
}), null)
slack = optional(object({
webhook_url = string
}), null)
teams = optional(object({
webhook_url = string
}), null)
"email": {
"addresses": []
"slack": null,
"teams": null
permissive_permissions_boundary_name Name of the permissive IAM policy to use as a permissions boundary string "lza-permissive-boundary" no
repositories List of repository locations for the pipelines
accelerator = optional(object({
url = string
role_name = optional(string, "lza-accelerator")
}), null)
connectivity = optional(object({
url = string
role_name = optional(string, "lza-connectivity")
}), null)
cost_management = optional(object({
url = string
role_name = optional(string, "lza-cost-management")
}), null)
firewall = optional(object({
url = string
role_name = optional(string, "lza-firewall")
}), null)
identity = optional(object({
url = string
role_name = optional(string, "lza-identity")
}), null)
{} no
scm_name Name of the source control management system (github or gitlab) string "github" no
security_hub_identity_center_role The name of the role to use when redirecting through Identity Center for security hub events string null no
securityhub_event_bridge_rule_name Display name of the EventBridge rule for Security Hub findings string "lza-securityhub-alerts" no
securityhub_lambda_function_name Name of the Security Hub Lambda function string "lza-securityhub-lambda-forwarder" no
securityhub_lambda_log_group_kms_alias Name of the KMS alias for the CloudWatch log group string "alias/accelerator/kms/cloudwatch/key" no
securityhub_lambda_role_name Name of the IAM role for the Security Hub Lambda function string "lza-securityhub-lambda-role" no
securityhub_lambda_runtime Runtime for the Security Hub Lambda function string "python3.12" no
securityhub_severity_filter Indicates if we should enable SecurityHub list(string)
securityhub_sns_topic_name Name of the SNS topic to send Security Hub findings to string "lza-securityhub-alerts" no
tags Tags to apply to all resources map(string) n/a yes


Name Description
cloudaccess_terraform_state_ro_policy_name Name of the IAM policy to attach to the CloudAccess Terraform state role
cloudaccess_terraform_state_rw_policy_name Name of the IAM policy to attach to the CloudAccess Terraform state role
default_permission_boundary_name The name of the default permissions iam boundary
default_permissive_boundary_name The name of the default permissive iam boundary
identity_role_ro_name The name of the IAM readonly role which can be assumed by the identity stack in all accounts
identity_role_rw_name The name of the IAM readwrite role which can be assumed by the identity stack in all accounts
identity_stack_name The name of the identity stack